
Legal Services and Advocacy for Youth Offered by TeamChild in Pierce County

Provides civil legal advocacy to youth primarily between 12-24 years old. TeamChild’s legal team works to secure community-based services, help youth access appropriate education, healthcare, mental/behavioral health resources, safe and stable housing, navigate school discipline, and works with youth incarcerated in the Juvenile Rehabilitation (JR) system. Advocacy efforts focus on education and school-related issues such as enrollment, school discipline and access to special education; securing safe and stable housing for youth; and helping clients access public benefits, including health care, mental health services, DDA and other support. Advocacy also includes post-conviction relief, including records sealing, restitution modifications, and assisting youth with reentry supports when returning to community from incarceration. Note: TeamChild does not provide criminal defense representation to youth or adults involved in the juvenile delinquency or adult criminal systems, nor does it offer family law representation, including child custody issues.

Physical Address

615 South 9th Street, Tacoma, WA 98405


M-F, 9am-5pm.

Application process

Call 211 for screening. Client may also call, or email to follow up. Online intake is also available. In-person follow-ups will need to be scheduled.




Youth, generally ages 12 through 24. Clients will generally need to meet income requirements, though some exceptions may exist. Unless the youth is in JR or are unable to release from a juvenile detention facility, youth must reside in King, Pierce, Yakima, or Spokane Counties. Clients up to age 24 or within 6 years of being released from a JR facility with juvenile record sealing issues who are not eligible for sealing assistance with the department of public defense in the county where the youth was charged, may contact TeamChild for additional assistance.


Interpreter services

Service area

Pierce, WA

Agency info


Provides free civil legal services to youth. Attorneys advocate for youth who are between the ages of 12-24 and at risk for or already involved in the juvenile justice system. Works to address civil legal needs, helping youth to secure education, treatment and mental health support, public benefits, and safe and stable housing.