
Counseling Services offered at Pend Oreille County Counseling Services

Pend Oreille County Counseling Services provides mental health services to individuals who are residents of Pend Oreille County and the Spokane County Regional Support catchment area. This includes residents of Spokane, Adams, Ferry, Grant, Lincoln, Okanogan, and Stevens counties. Residents in other counties or states will need to access services in the Regional Support Network they reside. Accepts all referral sources and provide services for young children to geriatric age.

Physical Address

105 South Garden Avenue, Newport, WA 99156


M-F, 8am-4:30pm

Application process

Complete intake packet then call or walk in.


Insurance billed, contact for more information.


Must need mental health services.


Interpreter services

Service area

Stevens, WA Okanogan, WA Lincoln, WA Grant, WA Ferry, WA Spokane, WA Pend Oreille, WA

Agency info

Pend Oreille County Counseling Services

Individual, Parent/child, Group Counseling; Crisis Intervention; Adult Day Treatment Programs; Substance Abuse Treatment; Prevention/Intervention Services.