Health Services offered at Quest Center for Integrated Health
Provide services, counseling, support groups, and education to people seeking a wellness-focused approach to living and dying. Assist clients to sustain lifestyle changes that support healing and to effectively strengthen those diagnosed with chronic or life-challenging illnesses, including HIV/AIDS, mental health disorders, chemical dependency, and breast cancer. Offers naturopathic, osteopathic, and Chinese medicine and non-opioid pain management services.
Physical Address
3231 Southeast 50th Avenue, Portland, OR 97206
M-Th, 8am-6pm F, 8am-5pm.
Application process
Call for information.
Accepts OHP and most private insurances, BCBS/OMIP, and private pay.
Varies by program.
Interpreter services
Agency info
Quest Center for Integrated Health
Provides, counseling, support groups, and education to people seeking a wellness-focused approach to living and dying. Offers naturopathic, osteopathic, and Chinese medicine and non-opioid pain management services.