
Advocacy Based Counseling offered at Turning Pointe Survivor Advocacy Center

Offers shelter, One-on-One Advocacy, Legal and Housing Advocacy for domestic violence and sexual assault survivors, their children under 18 years of age and pets.

Physical Address

210 Pacific Court, Shelton, WA 98584


24 hours daily.


(360) 426-1216

24 HR Crisis Support

Application process

Call or text to schedule an appointment for screening.




Victims/Survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Human Trafficking.



Service area

Kitsap, WA Mason, WA

Agency info

Turning Pointe Survivor Advocacy Center

Offers 24 hour crisis advocacy, support, information and referral, safety planning, 24/7 Emergency shelter support for victims, their children and their pets. One to one victim advocacy counseling for all domestic violence survivors. Bilingual advocacy to assist the Spanish-speaking community. Legal advocate assisting domestic violence survivors with legal questions and paperwork including accompaniment to legal proceedings. Support groups for survivors. Community referral and networking. We also have two youth advocates who do youth advocacy from ages 0-18 and parenting classes. All Services are FREE and CONFIDENTAL.