
Homeless Young Adult Services offered by YouthCare's South Seattle Shelter

Operates a homeless youth engagement center in South Seattle with both day and night services. Offers: - Warm meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (do not have to be shelter resident for meals) - Hygiene supplies including lockers, showers, laundry, and clothing - Day shelter beds - Case managers who work with young people to reduce barriers and set goals for long-term housing - Onsite mental health counseling - Overnight shelter - Youth cooling center during heat advisories.

Physical Address

9416 Rainier Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98118


Shelter: 24 hours daily. Breakfast: M-F, 9-10am Lunch: M-F, 1-2pm Dinner: M-F, 6-7pm. Drop-in: M-F, 8am-8pm.

Application process

Call the referral line to set up an appointment for an intake screening. Emergency guests need to call in after 7:30pm to reserve a bed once they have been screened and have done intake paperwork.




Youth ages 18-24.



Service area

King, WA

Agency info


Provides supportive services for young people who are unstably housed or experiencing homelessness.