
Advising and Counseling Center offered at Shoreline Community College

Professionally trained counselors provide confidential counseling services and support for students' personal concerns.   Career and educational counseling are offered for students to discuss and explore career goals. Brief career counseling is available to the community.   Interest inventories are available to help identify occupational interests along with a career and life planning class.   Career Center provides students and community members with academic planning sheets, computer resources, and catalogs, books, videos and reference guides. Computer bank provides information on occupations, salaries, labor market and working conditions.


16101 Greenwood Avenue North, Shoreline, WA 98133


M-Th, 8am-5pm F, 8am-4:30pm.

Application process

Call for information and appointments.


No restrictions.   Primarily serves Shoreline Community College students.


No fees for counseling for students at Shoreline Community College.   When appropriate, fees are charged for individual assessment testing in conjunction with career counseling.

Agency info

Shoreline Community College

Offers comprehensive post-secondary and continuing educational programs, including adult basic skills classes, English as a Second Language classes, parenting classes, vocational education, a veterans' center, minority affairs office, a women's center, a multi-cultural diversity center and many other programs.