Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe) offered at Catholic Community Services - Skagit County
Intensive mental health services/program for youth and families. Includes mental health therapy, care coordination and crisis response. Youth must be Medicaid eligible and enrolled in mental health services. Youth are typically served by multiple agencies and at risk of placement outside of the home and community.
Physical Address
614 Peterson Road, Burlington, WA 98233
M-Th, 8am-6pm F, 8am-5pm.
Application process
Medicaid-eligible youth up to 20 years of age.
Interpreter services
Service area
Skagit, WA
Agency info
Catholic Community Services - Skagit County
Provides counseling and case management for individuals, couples, families, and children; Wraparound Intensive Services, consultation/education on parenting, divorce and other issues. CCS Recovery Center Skagit County offers adult and youth programs as a Washington State certified outpatient chemical dependency treatment agency.