
General Legal Clinics offered by King County Bar Association's Neighborhood Legal Clinics

Operates legal clinics providing free 30 minute consultations with an attorney at multiple locations across King County. As of 9/2024, most clinics are telephonic, but there may be limited in-person availability in Seattle and Kent. Details will be provided to clients during intake screening. Clinic attorneys can: - Determine whether the client has a legal problem - Suggest possible options - Help answer papers, summons and requests - Provide appropriate referrals Neighborhood Legal Clinic attorneys may not have expertise in all areas of the law, but they will make every attempt to answer questions accurately. Attorneys CANNOT give advice on criminal legal issues or provide representation on any legal matters.


Public/Subsidized Housing Appeals AssistanceRepossession Agency ComplaintsChild Support Assistance/EnforcementLegal CounselingImpounded Vehicle ServicesVeteran Benefits AssistanceDomestic/Family Violence Legal ServicesEstate Entitlement AssistanceWorkers Compensation Benefits AssistancePatient Rights AssistanceOrganizational Start Up ServicesEmancipation of MinorsProtection and Advocacy for Individuals With DisabilitiesAdult Guardianship AssistanceElder/Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining OrdersAutomobile ComplaintsGeneral Legal AidContract LawPredatory Lending AssistanceWarranty ComplaintsDriver License Retention/Reinstatement AssistanceFood Stamps/SNAP Appeals/ComplaintsDivorce AssistanceHIPAA ComplaintsAlimony AssistanceTaxpayer Advocate ServicesCorporate/Business LawIntellectual Property Law Training/General InformationHome SanitationTenant Rights Information/CounselingGovernment Complaints/Government Ombudsman OfficesCriminal Record Expungement AssistanceMortgage Delinquency and Default CounselingIdentity Theft Reporting/Recovery ProgramsState Disability Insurance Appeals/ComplaintsUnemployment Insurance Benefits AssistanceSocial Security Disability Insurance Appeals/ComplaintsPost Conviction Restoration of Civil RightsHousing ComplaintsGeneral Education AdvocacySpecial Education AdvocacyHousing Discrimination AssistanceLandlord Rights Information/CounselingMedicaid Appeals/ComplaintsEviction Prevention Legal AssistanceConsumer Fraud ReportingConsumer LawChild Custody/Visitation AssistancePaternity SuitsLabor and Employment LawEmployment Discrimination AssistanceHuman Trafficking Legal AssistanceWelfare Rights AssistanceLandlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution

Physical Address

1200 5th Ave, Seattle, WA 98101


Visit website or leave a voicemail.

Application process

Visit website for online intake form. Those without internet access may call 206-267-7070 and leave a message with your name, phone number, and a brief description of the legal issue.




No income restrictions. Clients should be 16 and older or accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Serves King County residents or those who have a case filed in King County.


Interpreter services

Service area

King, WA

Agency info

King County Bar Association Neighborhood Legal Clinics

Coordinates approximately 37 free legal clinics across King County. Clinics assist with family law, domestic violence, elder law, immigration, debt and bankruptcy, civil rights, and LGBTQ legal issues, as well as general civil legal matters.