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Operates a daytime resource center that connects people with hygiene services, vital social services like medical and mental health care, and an overflow shelter during inclement hazardous weather and short-term emergencies.


Extreme Heat Cooling Centers
General Benefits Assistance
Homeless Drop In Centers
Offers comprehensive health services, including preventive health exams, acute care visits, and referrals for other community resources.


General Medical Care
Vaccine Information
General Benefits Assistance
HIV Testing
Well Baby Care
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Physician Referrals
Birth Control Counseling
Navigator Programs
Community Clinics
Hepatitis Testing
Pap Tests
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Diabetes Screening
Breast Examinations
Provides a wide array of social service to promote the safety and welfare of tribal members.  Services include child/adult protection services, benefits assistance, crime victim/sexual assault services, and domestic violence services.


Home Based Parenting Education
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
General Legal Aid
Offender Registries/Community Notification
Guardians ad Litem
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Adult Protective Services
Children's Protective Services
TANF Applications
General Crime Victim Assistance
Case/Care Management
Elder Abuse Prevention
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Child Sexual Assault Prevention
Child Abuse Prevention
Caregiver Counseling
General Benefits Assistance
Offers comprehensive health services, including preventive health exams, acute care visits, and referrals for other community resources.


Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
General Medical Care
HIV Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
General Benefits Assistance
Pap Tests
Vaccine Information
Navigator Programs
Well Baby Care
Community Clinics
Physician Referrals
Birth Control Counseling
Breast Examinations
Hepatitis Testing
Diabetes Screening
Offers comprehensive health services, including preventive health exams, acute care visits, and referrals for other community resources.


Community Clinics
Birth Control Counseling
Breast Examinations
HIV Testing
Hepatitis Testing
Vaccine Information
Well Baby Care
Physician Referrals
Navigator Programs
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
General Benefits Assistance
Childhood Immunization
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
General Medical Care
Diabetes Screening
Tuberculosis Screening
Mental Health Screening
Pap Tests
Provides drop-in support services for adult American Indians and Alaska Natives, including clothing, nursing, health care, mental health, cultural programming, housing case management and DSHS support. Operates as a cooling center during weather advisories.


Nurse Practitioner Clinics
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Ethnic Oriented Social Clubs
Extreme Heat Cooling Centers
Ex-Offender Reentry Programs
Housing Search Assistance
General Benefits Assistance
Case/Care Management
Native American General Assistance
General Clothing Provision
Arts and Crafts Instruction
Extreme Cold Warming Centers
Homeless Drop In Centers