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Provides a variety of birth control methods including emergency contraception as well as long lasting contraception. Offers pregnancy tests and pregnancy counseling. Screens and tests for STIs. Offers PrEP. Tests for reproductive cancers.


Breast Examinations
Safer Sex Education
Adoption Information/Referrals
Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counseling
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
HIV Testing
Abortion Referrals
Pregnancy Testing
Testicular Examinations
General Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Medication
Birth Control Counseling
Pap Tests
Emergency Contraception
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.


Colorectal Cancer Detection
Women's Health Centers
Blood Pressure Screening
Breast Examinations
Diabetes Screening
Pap Tests
Adolescent Medicine
Provides a variety of birth control methods including emergency contraception as well as long lasting contraception. Offers pregnancy tests and pregnancy counseling. Screens and tests for STIs. Offers PrEP. Tests for reproductive cancers.


Abortion Referrals
Testicular Examinations
Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counseling
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Birth Control Counseling
HIV Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Safer Sex Education
Pap Tests
Breast Examinations
Emergency Contraception
Pregnancy Testing
Adoption Information/Referrals
General Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Offers all methods of birth control, annual physical exams; Pap smears; breast exams; STI screening and treatment; screenings for breast, cervical and ovarian cancer; and pregnancy testing. Helps low-income people apply for health insurance.


Breast Examinations
Birth Control Counseling
Emergency Contraception
Pap Tests
Women's Health Centers
Teen Family Planning Programs
General Physical Examinations
Pregnancy Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.


Blood Pressure Screening
Women's Health Centers
Breast Examinations
Diabetes Screening
Pap Tests
Adolescent Medicine
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.


Blood Pressure Screening
Pap Tests
Adolescent Medicine
Breast Examinations
Diabetes Screening
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Women's Health Centers
Provides a wide range of general clinic health services, including physical exams, treatment of minor injuries, immunizations, well baby/child clinics, nutrition counseling, and mental health evaluations and counseling services.


HPV Immunizations
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
HIV Testing
Pap Tests
Breast Examinations
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.


Adolescent Medicine
Diabetes Screening
Women's Health Centers
Breast Examinations
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Blood Pressure Screening
Pap Tests
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.


Women's Health Centers
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Breast Examinations
Pap Tests
Diabetes Screening
Blood Pressure Screening
Adolescent Medicine
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.


Colorectal Cancer Detection
Pap Tests
Diabetes Screening
Blood Pressure Screening
Breast Examinations
Women's Health Centers
Adolescent Medicine
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.


Breast Examinations
Blood Pressure Screening
Diabetes Screening
Adolescent Medicine
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Women's Health Centers
Pap Tests
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.


Pap Tests
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Blood Pressure Screening
Adolescent Medicine
Breast Examinations
Diabetes Screening
Women's Health Centers
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.


Diabetes Screening
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Pap Tests
Breast Examinations
Blood Pressure Screening
Women's Health Centers
Adolescent Medicine
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.


Pap Tests
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Adolescent Medicine
Women's Health Centers
Blood Pressure Screening
Diabetes Screening
Breast Examinations
Offers all methods of birth control; Pap smears; breast exams; STI screening and treatment; screenings for breast, cervical and ovarian cancer; vasectomies; and pregnancy testing. Helps low-income people apply for health insurance. Telehealth appointments available.


Women's Health Centers
General Physical Examinations
Birth Control Counseling
Pap Tests
Emergency Contraception
Teen Family Planning Programs
Pregnancy Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Breast Examinations
Offers comprehensive health services, including preventive health exams, acute care visits, and referrals for other community resources.


General Medical Care
Vaccine Information
General Benefits Assistance
HIV Testing
Well Baby Care
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Physician Referrals
Birth Control Counseling
Navigator Programs
Community Clinics
Hepatitis Testing
Pap Tests
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Diabetes Screening
Breast Examinations
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.


Colorectal Cancer Detection
Breast Examinations
Women's Health Centers
Pap Tests
Adolescent Medicine
Blood Pressure Screening
Diabetes Screening
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.


Blood Pressure Screening
Diabetes Screening
Women's Health Centers
Adolescent Medicine
Pap Tests
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Breast Examinations
Provides a wide range of general clinic health services, including physical exams, treatment of minor injuries, immunizations, well baby/child clinics, nutrition counseling, and mental health evaluations and counseling services.


AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
HIV Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Breast Examinations
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Pap Tests
HPV Immunizations
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.


Breast Examinations
Pap Tests
Women's Health Centers
Adolescent Medicine
Blood Pressure Screening
Diabetes Screening
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Provides a variety of birth control methods including emergency contraception as well as long lasting contraception. Offers pregnancy tests and pregnancy counseling. Screens and tests for STIs. Offers PrEP. Tests for reproductive cancers.


Pap Tests
Pregnancy Testing
Birth Control Counseling
General Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
HIV Testing
Abortion Referrals
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Emergency Contraception
Safer Sex Education
Testicular Examinations
Adoption Information/Referrals
Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counseling
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Breast Examinations
Provides a wide range of free or low-cost sexual and reproductive health care services


HIV Testing
Pre-Abortion Counseling
Transgender Hormone Therapy
Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counseling
Pap Tests
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Women's Health Centers
HPV Immunizations
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Breast Examinations
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to walk-in clients. Offers additional birth control methods by appointment. If pregnant, provides pregnancy options education.


Women's Health Centers
Adolescent Medicine
Breast Examinations
Blood Pressure Screening
Pap Tests
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Diabetes Screening
Provides health care screenings such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure as well as general physical exams. Also offers reproductive health services.


Women's Health Centers
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Diabetes Screening
Blood Pressure Screening
Adolescent Medicine
Pap Tests
Breast Examinations
Offers comprehensive health services, including preventive health exams, acute care visits, and referrals for other community resources.


Physician Referrals
Community Clinics
Birth Control Counseling
Navigator Programs
Pap Tests
Childhood Immunization
Well Baby Care
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Tuberculosis Screening
Diabetes Screening
General Medical Care
Mental Health Screening
Hepatitis Testing
HIV Testing
Breast Examinations
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Vaccine Information