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Provides a wide range of general clinic health services, including physical exams, treatment of minor injuries, immunizations, well baby/child clinics, nutrition counseling, and mental health evaluations and counseling services.


HPV Immunizations
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Pap Tests
HIV Testing
Breast Examinations
Offers a wide range of medical care to help prevent and/or treat health conditions, including emergency room, geriatric medicine, occupational medicine, physical therapy, internal medicine, and general surgery.


General Surgery
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
AIDS/HIV Clinics
Asthma Clinics
Medical Oncology
Sexually Transmitted Disease Control
Blood Pressure Screening
General Medical Care
HIV Testing
Podiatry/Foot Care
Allergy Specialty
Pain Management
General Acute Care Hospitals
Pulmonary Disease Specialty
Occupational Medicine
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Geriatric Medicine
Emergency Room Care
Orthopedic Surgery
Physical Therapy
Hosts a NeighborCare clinic once a week for youth and young adults experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Offers preventive care, treatment for ongoing conditions, family planning and STD treatment.


General Physical Examinations
Teen Family Planning Programs
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Pregnancy Testing
Adolescent Medicine
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
General Medical Care
Provides pregnancy services including testing, ultrasound, counseling, medical consultation, information on pregnancy options; faith-based, does not make abortion referrals. No fees.


Pro-Life Pregnancy Counseling
Pregnancy Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Provides free and confidential HIV/STD testing.


Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
HIV Testing
Hepatitis Testing
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
Offers confidential and anonymous HIV testing. First time HIV tests are supplemented with a mandatory education session. Also provides diagnosis, testing and treatment for other STDs as well as safer sex education.


Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Safer Sex Education
HIV Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
HPV Immunizations
Provides the full spectrum of gynecological care, ranging from routine screenings to reproductive health issues to postmenopausal health to gynecologic cancer.


Women's Health Centers
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Provides a variety of birth control methods including emergency contraception as well as long lasting contraception. Offers pregnancy tests and pregnancy counseling. Screens and tests for STIs. Offers PrEP. Tests for reproductive cancers.


Testicular Examinations
HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Medication
Pap Tests
Birth Control Counseling
General Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
HIV Testing
Pregnancy Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Abortion Referrals
Adoption Information/Referrals
Safer Sex Education
Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counseling
Emergency Contraception
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Breast Examinations
Offers confidential and anonymous HIV testing. First time HIV tests are supplemented with a mandatory education session. Also provides diagnosis, testing and treatment for other STDs as well as safer sex education.


Safer Sex Education
HPV Immunizations
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
HIV Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Offers confidential and anonymous HIV testing. First time HIV tests are supplemented with a mandatory education session. Also provides diagnosis, testing and treatment for other STDs as well as safer sex education.


Safer Sex Education
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
HPV Immunizations
HIV Testing
Offers comprehensive primary care, including medical exams, prenatal care, STD treatment and well-child checks. Helps with insurance enrollment. Enhanced language support for limited or non-English-speaking people.


Well Baby Care
Community Clinics
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
General Medical Care
Offers ongoing medical care including chronic disease management, preventive care, family planning, pediatrics, STI testing and treatment, and trans care. Call for an appointment; same-day appointments may be available.


Transgender Hormone Therapy
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
General Medical Care
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Ambulatory Pediatrics
Testing4All provides rapid HIV testing, Syphilis, Hepatitis C and prevention counseling.


Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Hepatitis Testing
AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling
HIV Testing
Offers diagnosis and treatment of patients with a sexually transmitted disease and their sexual contacts. Staff are sensitive to the needs of LGBTQ individuals. Evaluates patients for PrEP.


Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Medication
Provides IUDs, vasectomies, contraceptives, sexually transmitted disease screenings, pap smears, and reproductive health counseling.


Prenatal Care
Birth Control Counseling
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Prenatal Evaluation
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Postpartum Care
Pap Tests
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Offers ongoing medical care including chronic disease management, women's health, family planning, STI testing and treatment, and trans care for patients ages 18 and older. Call for an appointment; same-day appointments may be available.


Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
HIV Testing
Transgender Hormone Therapy
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
General Medical Care
Homeless drop-in youth clinic offers general health care services, including exams, contraception, STI testing, psychiatric evaluations and services, and limited acupuncture.


Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Pregnancy Testing
Teen Family Planning Programs
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Emergency Contraception
Adolescent Medicine
Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation
Offers confidential and anonymous HIV testing. First time HIV tests are supplemented with a mandatory education session. Also provides diagnosis, testing and treatment for other STDs as well as safer sex education.


Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
HPV Immunizations
HIV Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Safer Sex Education
Offers confidential and anonymous HIV testing. First time HIV tests are supplemented with a mandatory education session. Also provides diagnosis, testing and treatment for other STDs as well as safer sex education.


HIV Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Safer Sex Education
HPV Immunizations
Provides information regarding HIV/STD/Viral Hepatitis transmission, referral to services, HIV antibody testing and counseling.


Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
AIDS/HIV Control
HIV Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Printed Materials
Specialized Information and Referral
Sexually Transmitted Disease Control
Medical Information Services
Case/Care Management
Offers wellness services for LGBTQ clients such as pelvic and breast exams, STI testing and treatment, birth control, and insemination services. Also offers transgender hormone therapy.


Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Women's Health Centers
Transgender Hormone Therapy
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Offers ongoing medical care including chronic disease management, preventive care, family planning, pediatrics, STI testing and treatment, and trans care. Call for an appointment; same-day appointments may be available.


Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Transgender Hormone Therapy
General Medical Care
Ambulatory Pediatrics
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Offers comprehensive primary care, including medical exams, prenatal care, STD treatment and well-child checks. Helps with insurance enrollment. Enhanced language support for limited or non-English-speaking people.


Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Community Clinics
Well Baby Care
General Medical Care
Provides birth control exams and supplies, sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment, pregnancy testing and counseling, sterilization counseling and referral.


Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Birth Control Counseling
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counseling
Provides the full spectrum of gynecological care, ranging from routine screenings to reproductive health issues to postmenopausal health to gynecologic cancer.


Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Women's Health Centers