Focus Population
Age Group
1-25 of 32
Provides a one-stop resource of local services, employment opportunities, housing, counseling, and mentoring for veterans.
Provides a one-stop resource of local services to assist veterans with housing, counseling, job search, and mentoring, among other things. Also offers assistance with obtaining earned benefits.
Case/Care Management
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Gas Money
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Rent Payment Assistance
Career Counseling
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Housing Search Assistance
Veteran Employment Programs
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans.
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans. A computer laboratory and resource room are available for job searching and career planning activities. Job seekers can access or for listings of job announcements. Helps people find employment who have lost their jobs through company downsizing or plant closures.
- Training programs that include Youth, Adult, Dislocated workers
- Job Corps (GED/High School program, vocational skills training, and social skills training for ages 16 -24)
- Job Search workshops for, resume, interviewing and applications
- WorkFirst (assists parents receiving TANF to gain or improve work place skills to enhance employability and to obtain unsubsidized employment)
- Case management
- Job readiness training
- Career counseling
- Vocational assessment
- Individualized job search assistance
- Job fairs
- Employer connections
- Career development workshops
- Follow-up services
- Computer labs
- Resource library
Work Experience
Job Search/Placement
Public Access Computers/Tools
On the Job Training
Professional Skills Development Support
Job Corps
Job Banks
Veteran Employment Programs
Welfare to Work Programs
Special Needs Job Development
Career Counseling
Prejob Guidance
Business Assistance Centers
WIOA Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Provides a list of job openings, computerized job matching system, employer services and phone and computer access for filing employment insurance benefits. Clients are served on a walk-in and by appointment basis.
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops. A computer laboratory and resource room are available for job searching and career planning activities. Announcement of jobs within the state of Washington can be obtained at any WorkSource Center, Affiliate or online. Job seekers can access or for listings. Helps people find employment who have lost their jobs through company downsizing or plant closures.
- Case management
- Job readiness training
- Career counseling
- Vocational assessment
- Individualized job search assistance
- Job fairs
- Employer connections
- Career development workshops
- Follow-up services
- Educational scholarships
- Computer labs
- Resource library
Provides weekly orientation classes that provide an overview of the resources and programs available to job seekers at WorkSource. Provides access to community and technical college programs and financial resources for retraining. Matches businesses with qualified applicants to fill open positions. Employers may post job openings online.
Other services for employers include help with workplace consultations, recruitment and layoffs and information on business, industry and economic trends. Provides for on-site recruitment.
Job Search/Placement
Business Assistance Centers
Public Access Computers/Tools
Job Banks
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
State Unemployment Insurance Applications
Prejob Guidance
Career Counseling
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops. Provides a list of job openings, computerized job matching system, employer services and phone and computer access for filing employment insurance benefits.
Offers a wide variety of services for job seekers, from individual job search assistance to an extensive list of workshops designed to help job search preparedness. Announcements of jobs within the state of Washington can be obtained at any WorkSource Center, Affiliate or online.
Provides computer access to apply for Washington State Unemployment Insurance.
Provides access to community and technical college programs and financial resources for retraining.
Helps people find employment who have lost their jobs through company downsizing or plant closures.
Other services may include the following:
- Case management
- Job readiness training
- Career counseling
- Vocational assessment
- Individualized job search assistance
- Job fairs
- Employer connections
- Career development workshops
- Follow-up services
- Educational scholarships.
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Banks
Business Assistance Centers
Prejob Guidance
Job Search/Placement
Public Access Computers/Tools
Career Counseling
State Unemployment Insurance Applications
Designed to help individuals gain the skills and abilities they need to get and keep "family wage" jobs. Services are free and customized to meet individual needs. Individuals work one-on-one with their employment representatives.
Designed to help individuals gain the skills and abilities they need to get and keep "family wage" jobs. Services are free and customized to meet individual needs. Individuals work one-on-one with their employment representatives to meet their employment goals. Services available include: skills training, paid work experience and vocational education, help with resumes and cover letters, workshops on interviewing, job searching, demand occupations, GED preparation and testing, career counseling, guidance and employment referrals, and referral to community resources.
Supported Employment
Career Counseling
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Job Search/Placement
Job Retraining
Provides a wide range of employment and training services for youth, adults, and seniors; including training, education, and support they may need to pursue their career and succeed in the workforce.
Provides a wide range of employment and training counseling and services for youth, adults, and dislocated workers; including training, education, and support they may need to pursue their career and succeed in the workforce.
- Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET): Training services provide resume writing, interview skills, assistance with starting a career, and job search assistance, BFET provides employment readiness opportunities to Basic Food (SNAP) recipients who are not receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
- Dislocated Worker (WIOA): Services include career transition counseling, tuition assistance, paid business internships, and on the job training. Workers must be laid off due to no fault of their own and eligible for UI (company closure, downsize, skill no longer in demand, etc.). Special funding and programming is available for those who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19.
- Low-Income Adult Services: Provides employment and training services to low-income adults ages 18-72, with a priority to veterans, TANF recipients, those who do not have a HS diploma or GED, and those who are not financially self-sufficient. Services include career exploration, tuition assistance, paid on the job training and internships, emergency support and ongoing counseling through job retention.
- Youth Services: Offers paid job & career training, educational assistance, (GED, HS Diploma, Post-Secondary), certification & credential options, job search assistance, tuition assistance, paid work experience for youth 16-24 yrs of age, and are a WA State ID holder & resident. The goal is to help youth identify a career pathway and gain the skills they need to be successful in that pathway.
- WorkFirst: Provides parents the opportunity to gain job skills and experience through a variety of work readiness programs, such as the Community Jobs (CJ) and Career Jump.
- Quality Jobs, Equity, Strategy, and Training (QUEST): connects individuals most affected by the pandemic—– women, tribal members, people of color, people with disabilities, even lower-wage workers—to quality training and employment.
Programs offered at each location:
- Goldendale WorkSource: Basic Food Employment and Training, WorkFirst, Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Worker Services, Youth Services, and QUEST.
- Kittitas WorkSource: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Worker Services, Youth, DVR Pre Employment Transition Services, WorkFirst, and QUEST.
- Sunnyside WorkSource: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers, Youth, DVR Pre employment Transition services-youth , Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET) and WorkFirst.
- Union Gap WorkSource: Dislocated Worker and Low-Income Adult Program. WorkFirst is currently not available at this location.
- WorkSource Columbia Gorge: Basic Food Employment and Training, Dislocated Worker, Low-Income Adult Services, WorkFirst, and Youth Services.
- Stevenson Employment Training: Youth Services, WorkFirst Program, Low-Income Adult Program, Basic Food Employment and Training, and QUEST.
- Toppenish Employment Training: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers, Basic Food Employment and Training and WorkFirst.
- Yakima People for People: Basic Food Employment and Training, Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers services for laid off workers, Youth, DVR Pre Employment Transition Services, WorkFirst, and QUEST.
Prejob Guidance
Career Counseling
Internship Programs
WIOA Programs
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Job Retraining
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Search/Placement
Offers ESL, Adult Basic Education (ABE), GED and the External Diploma Program (EDP). Teaches computer familiarity, office basics, work readiness skills and other workshops. Services include career and skills assessment.
Offers services and workshops for job seekers.
Services for all job seekers:
- Job postings, a job bank with computers, resume assistance, phones and fax machine, open computer lab
- Resume, cover letter, interview skills and technology workshops
- Job fairs, hiring events, employer panels and industry forums
- Full service Learning Center operated by Renton Technical College offering ESL, Adult Basic Education, GED and the High School 21+ diploma program.
Employment workshops include the following classes:
- Computer Assisted Job Search: Provides tools and assistance to conduct an effective job search. This includes setting up an email account, learning where to apply online, completing an online application, converting a resume to text only, posting a resume online and learning about career exploration tools. Basic computer skills are required.
- Beginning Internet: Teaches how to use the Internet for job search purposes. No computer experience necessary, however Keyboarding and Mouse class highly encouraged as a prerequisite.
- Beginning PC Skills: Computer tutorial to help gain speed and confidence on a computer. Will teach how to manipulate a computer and create a document, as well as how to improve typing speed. All levels are welcome.
- Mock Interview: Teaches valuable interviewing tips and provides the opportunity to practice frequently in a supportive and realistic environment.
- Resume Critique: Provides resume critique and assistance from an employment specialist. Must have an electronic version of your resume, either on a flash drive or within/attached to an email. Must have two job descriptions of jobs you wish to apply to. Limit 8 people per workshop.
- Resume & Cover Letters: Teaches how to write a compelling cover letter and resume. Basic computer skills and/or typing experience preferred.
- Women's Worth & Rights in the Workplace: Provides tips and tools for effectively evaluating your worth and negotiation power. Will also cover local, state and federal labor standards and what to do when your rights at work are violated.
- Interview Skills: Practice responding to typical interview questions and begin the necessary preparation to ace a job interview.
Career Counseling
English as a Second Language
Job Banks
Computer and Related Technology Classes
Prejob Guidance
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Adult High School Diploma Programs
Adult Basic Education
Vocational Assessment
Job Fairs
Provides a wide range of employment and training services for youth, adults, and seniors; including training, education, and support they may need to pursue their career and succeed in the workforce.
Provides a wide range of employment and training counseling and services for youth, adults, and dislocated workers; including training, education, and support they may need to pursue their career and succeed in the workforce.
- Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET): Training services provide resume writing, interview skills, assistance with starting a career, and job search assistance, BFET provides employment readiness opportunities to Basic Food (SNAP) recipients who are not receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
- Dislocated Worker (WIOA): Services include career transition counseling, tuition assistance, paid business internships, and on the job training. Workers must be laid off due to no fault of their own and eligible for UI (company closure, downsize, skill no longer in demand, etc.). Special funding and programming is available for those who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19.
- Low-Income Adult Services: Provides employment and training services to low-income adults ages 18-72, with a priority to veterans, TANF recipients, those who do not have a HS diploma or GED, and those who are not financially self-sufficient. Services include career exploration, tuition assistance, paid on the job training and internships, emergency support and ongoing counseling through job retention.
- Youth Services: Offers paid job & career training, educational assistance, (GED, HS Diploma, Post-Secondary), certification & credential options, job search assistance, tuition assistance, paid work experience for youth 16-24 yrs of age, and are a WA State ID holder & resident. The goal is to help youth identify a career pathway and gain the skills they need to be successful in that pathway.
- WorkFirst: Provides parents the opportunity to gain job skills and experience through a variety of work readiness programs, such as the Community Jobs (CJ) and Career Jump.
- Quality Jobs, Equity, Strategy, and Training (QUEST): connects individuals most affected by the pandemic—– women, tribal members, people of color, people with disabilities, even lower-wage workers—to quality training and employment.
Programs offered at each location:
- Goldendale WorkSource: Basic Food Employment and Training, WorkFirst, Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Worker Services, Youth Services, and QUEST.
- Kittitas WorkSource: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Worker Services, Youth, DVR Pre Employment Transition Services, WorkFirst, and QUEST.
- Sunnyside WorkSource: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers, Youth, DVR Pre employment Transition services-youth , Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET) and WorkFirst.
- Union Gap WorkSource: Dislocated Worker and Low-Income Adult Program. WorkFirst is currently not available at this location.
- WorkSource Columbia Gorge: Basic Food Employment and Training, Dislocated Worker, Low-Income Adult Services, WorkFirst, and Youth Services.
- Stevenson Employment Training: Youth Services, WorkFirst Program, Low-Income Adult Program, Basic Food Employment and Training, and QUEST.
- Toppenish Employment Training: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers, Basic Food Employment and Training and WorkFirst.
- Yakima People for People: Basic Food Employment and Training, Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers services for laid off workers, Youth, DVR Pre Employment Transition Services, WorkFirst, and QUEST.
Job Retraining
Career Exploration
Job Search/Placement
Youth Job Development
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Prejob Guidance
Workforce Development Boards
Internship Programs
WIOA Programs
Work Experience
Career Awareness
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Welfare to Work Programs
On the Job Training
Subject Tutoring
Career Counseling
Aims to help veterans transition from military life to a successful civilian life. Partners with a vast network of agencies to provide a comprehensive program catered to the individual and his/her family. Can email [email protected] or [email protected]
Aims to help veterans transition from military life to a successful civilian life.
Partners with a vast network of outside agencies to provide a comprehensive program catered to the individual and his/her family.
Services include:
- job placement service and employer networking opportunities,
- skills training including resume writing skills,
- career testing that helps narrow down interests to find a most suitable occupation,
- military to civilian transition mentoring services,
- job retention program,
- agency referral,
- individual and family counseling,
- whole family financial strengthening training including financial education and housing counseling,
- family services including career placement help, counseling, motivation and confidence to find work.
Offers employers who hire veterans services like free placement and screening services, employee job match, qualified applicants and tax incentives for hiring veterans.
Will also meet at the Lacey Veteran's Hub by appointment.
Veteran Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Career Counseling
Job Retraining
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops. Provides a list of job openings, computerized job matching system, employer services and phone and computer access for filing employment insurance benefits.
Offers a wide variety of services for job seekers, from individual job search assistance to an extensive list of workshops designed to help job search preparedness. Announcements of jobs within the state of Washington can be obtained at any WorkSource Center, Affiliate or online.
Provides computer access to apply for Washington State Unemployment Insurance.
Provides access to community and technical college programs and financial resources for retraining.
Helps people find employment who have lost their jobs through company downsizing or plant closures.
Other services may include the following:
- Case management
- Job readiness training
- Career counseling
- Vocational assessment
- Individualized job search assistance
- Job fairs
- Employer connections
- Career development workshops
- Follow-up services
- Educational scholarships.
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Career Counseling
State Unemployment Insurance Applications
Prejob Guidance
Public Access Computers/Tools
Job Search/Placement
Job Banks
Business Assistance Centers
Assists Medicaid recipients who are chronically homeless and unemployed or under-employed with securing employment through completion of an intake assessment to determine barriers to employment and goals for employment and life stabilization.
Assists Medicaid recipients who are chronically homeless and unemployed or under-employed with securing employment through completion of an intake assessment to determine barriers to employment and goals for employment and life stabilization. Clients work with a caseworker on job skills development, job search, career guidance, collaboration with local businesses to help secure employment prospects. Works on other life skills that may be barriers to employment success and job retention/help in maintaining work after employment is found.
Prejob Guidance
Vocational Assessment
Career Counseling
Career Exploration
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Career Awareness
Job Search/Placement
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans.
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans. A computer laboratory and resource room are available for job searching and career planning activities. Job seekers can access or for listings of job announcements. Helps people find employment who have lost their jobs through company downsizing or plant closures.
- Training programs that include Youth, Adult, Dislocated workers
- Job Corps (GED/High School program, vocational skills training, and social skills training for ages 16 -24)
- Job Search workshops for, resume, interviewing and applications
- WorkFirst (assists parents receiving TANF to gain or improve work place skills to enhance employability and to obtain unsubsidized employment)
- Case management
- Job readiness training
- Career counseling
- Vocational assessment
- Individualized job search assistance
- Job fairs
- Employer connections
- Career development workshops
- Follow-up services
- Computer labs
- Resource library
Business Assistance Centers
Job Banks
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Career Counseling
On the Job Training
Job Corps
Special Needs Job Development
Professional Skills Development Support
Prejob Guidance
WIOA Programs
Veteran Employment Programs
Case/Care Management
Welfare to Work Programs
Job Search/Placement
Work Experience
Public Access Computers/Tools
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops. Provides a list of job openings, computerized job matching system, employer services and phone and computer access for filing employment insurance benefits.
Offers a wide variety of services for job seekers, from individual job search assistance to an extensive list of workshops designed to help job search preparedness. Announcements of jobs within the state of Washington can be obtained at any WorkSource Center, Affiliate or online.
Provides computer access to apply for Washington State Unemployment Insurance.
Provides access to community and technical college programs and financial resources for retraining.
Helps people find employment who have lost their jobs through company downsizing or plant closures.
Other services may include the following:
- Case management
- Job readiness training
- Career counseling
- Vocational assessment
- Individualized job search assistance
- Job fairs
- Employer connections
- Career development workshops
- Follow-up services
- Educational scholarships.
Career Counseling
Job Banks
Public Access Computers/Tools
Job Search/Placement
State Unemployment Insurance Applications
Prejob Guidance
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Business Assistance Centers
Provides a list of job openings, computerized job matching system, employer services and phone and computer access for filing employment insurance benefits. Clients are served on a walk-in and by appointment basis. To file an unemployment claim please call: 800-318-6022.
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops. A computer laboratory and resource room are available for job searching and career planning activities. Announcement of jobs within the state of Washington can be obtained at any WorkSource Center, Affiliate or online. Job seekers can access or for listings. Helps people find employment who have lost their jobs through company downsizing or plant closures. Provides: - Veterans Services - Case management - Job readiness training - Career counseling - Vocational assessment - Individualized job search assistance - Job fairs - Employer connections - Strategies for Success workshops - Career development workshops - Follow-up services - Educational scholarships - Computer labs - Resource library Provides computer and telephone access to apply for Washington State Employment Security - Unemployment Insurance. Customers may call the TeleCenter or access to apply for unemployment insurance. Provides weekly orientation classes that provide an overview of the resources and programs available to job seekers at WorkSource. Provides access to community and technical college programs and financial resources for retraining. Matches businesses with qualified applicants to fill open positions. Employers may post job openings online. Other services for employers include help with workplace consultations, recruitment and layoffs and information on business, industry and economic trends. Provides for on-site recruitment.
State Unemployment Insurance Applications
Public Access Computers/Tools
Prejob Guidance
Job Banks
Business Assistance Centers
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Search/Placement
Career Counseling
Provides a wide range of employment and training services for youth, adults, and seniors; including training, education, and support they may need to pursue their career and succeed in the workforce.
Provides a wide range of employment and training counseling and services for youth, adults, and dislocated workers; including training, education, and support they may need to pursue their career and succeed in the workforce.
- Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET): Training services provide resume writing, interview skills, assistance with starting a career, and job search assistance, BFET provides employment readiness opportunities to Basic Food (SNAP) recipients who are not receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
- Dislocated Worker (WIOA): Services include career transition counseling, tuition assistance, paid business internships, and on the job training. Workers must be laid off due to no fault of their own and eligible for UI (company closure, downsize, skill no longer in demand, etc.). Special funding and programming is available for those who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19.
- Low-Income Adult Services: Provides employment and training services to low-income adults ages 18-72, with a priority to veterans, TANF recipients, those who do not have a HS diploma or GED, and those who are not financially self-sufficient. Services include career exploration, tuition assistance, paid on the job training and internships, emergency support and ongoing counseling through job retention.
- Youth Services: Offers paid job & career training, educational assistance, (GED, HS Diploma, Post-Secondary), certification & credential options, job search assistance, tuition assistance, paid work experience for youth 16-24 yrs of age, and are a WA State ID holder & resident. The goal is to help youth identify a career pathway and gain the skills they need to be successful in that pathway.
- WorkFirst: Provides parents the opportunity to gain job skills and experience through a variety of work readiness programs, such as the Community Jobs (CJ) and Career Jump.
- Quality Jobs, Equity, Strategy, and Training (QUEST): connects individuals most affected by the pandemic—– women, tribal members, people of color, people with disabilities, even lower-wage workers—to quality training and employment.
Programs offered at each location:
- Goldendale WorkSource: Basic Food Employment and Training, WorkFirst, Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Worker Services, Youth Services, and QUEST.
- Kittitas WorkSource: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Worker Services, Youth, DVR Pre Employment Transition Services, WorkFirst, and QUEST.
- Sunnyside WorkSource: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers, Youth, DVR Pre employment Transition services-youth , Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET) and WorkFirst.
- Union Gap WorkSource: Dislocated Worker and Low-Income Adult Program. WorkFirst is currently not available at this location.
- WorkSource Columbia Gorge: Basic Food Employment and Training, Dislocated Worker, Low-Income Adult Services, WorkFirst, and Youth Services.
- Stevenson Employment Training: Youth Services, WorkFirst Program, Low-Income Adult Program, Basic Food Employment and Training, and QUEST.
- Toppenish Employment Training: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers, Basic Food Employment and Training and WorkFirst.
- Yakima People for People: Basic Food Employment and Training, Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers services for laid off workers, Youth, DVR Pre Employment Transition Services, WorkFirst, and QUEST.
Internship Programs
Welfare to Work Programs
Job Retraining
On the Job Training
Work Experience
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Search/Placement
Career Counseling
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
WIOA Programs
Prejob Guidance
Provides information on veterans benefits and services, information on apprenticeship, and employment assistance with one-on-one career guidance. May also have funds available to help enrolled veterans remove employment barriers.
Provides information on veterans benefits and services, information on apprenticeship, and employment assistance with one-on-one career guidance.
May also have funds available to help veterans enrolled in the program remove barriers to employment which may include:
- gas card, auto insurance, auto repair, orca pass, car payment
Housing Related Needs:
- cable, garbage bill, gas bill, internet, last month rent, first month rent, sewer bill, water bill, electric bill, mortgage
- cell phone bill, child care, food, home phone bill, work clothing,
A separate fund may help enrolled veterans experiencing homelessness with:
- gas card, auto insurance, auto registration, drivers license fee, orca pass
- certifications, food, work tools, sleeping bags, shoes, work clothing.
Job Retraining
Career Counseling
Veteran Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Provides a wide range of employment and training services for youth, adults, and seniors; including training, education, and support they may need to pursue their career and succeed in the workforce.
Provides a wide range of employment and training counseling and services for youth, adults, and dislocated workers; including training, education, and support they may need to pursue their career and succeed in the workforce.
- Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET): Training services provide resume writing, interview skills, assistance with starting a career, and job search assistance, BFET provides employment readiness opportunities to Basic Food (SNAP) recipients who are not receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).
- Dislocated Worker (WIOA): Services include career transition counseling, tuition assistance, paid business internships, and on the job training. Workers must be laid off due to no fault of their own and eligible for UI (company closure, downsize, skill no longer in demand, etc.). Special funding and programming is available for those who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19.
- Low-Income Adult Services: Provides employment and training services to low-income adults ages 18-72, with a priority to veterans, TANF recipients, those who do not have a HS diploma or GED, and those who are not financially self-sufficient. Services include career exploration, tuition assistance, paid on the job training and internships, emergency support and ongoing counseling through job retention.
- Youth Services: Offers paid job & career training, educational assistance, (GED, HS Diploma, Post-Secondary), certification & credential options, job search assistance, tuition assistance, paid work experience for youth 16-24 yrs of age, and are a WA State ID holder & resident. The goal is to help youth identify a career pathway and gain the skills they need to be successful in that pathway.
- WorkFirst: Provides parents the opportunity to gain job skills and experience through a variety of work readiness programs, such as the Community Jobs (CJ) and Career Jump.
- Quality Jobs, Equity, Strategy, and Training (QUEST): connects individuals most affected by the pandemic—– women, tribal members, people of color, people with disabilities, even lower-wage workers—to quality training and employment.
Programs offered at each location:
- Goldendale WorkSource: Basic Food Employment and Training, WorkFirst, Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Worker Services, Youth Services, and QUEST.
- Kittitas WorkSource: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Worker Services, Youth, DVR Pre Employment Transition Services, WorkFirst, and QUEST.
- Sunnyside WorkSource: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers, Youth, DVR Pre employment Transition services-youth , Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET) and WorkFirst.
- Union Gap WorkSource: Dislocated Worker and Low-Income Adult Program. WorkFirst is currently not available at this location.
- WorkSource Columbia Gorge: Basic Food Employment and Training, Dislocated Worker, Low-Income Adult Services, WorkFirst, and Youth Services.
- Stevenson Employment Training: Youth Services, WorkFirst Program, Low-Income Adult Program, Basic Food Employment and Training, and QUEST.
- Toppenish Employment Training: Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers, Basic Food Employment and Training and WorkFirst.
- Yakima People for People: Basic Food Employment and Training, Low-Income Adult Services, Dislocated Workers services for laid off workers, Youth, DVR Pre Employment Transition Services, WorkFirst, and QUEST.
Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Career Exploration
Job Retraining
Prejob Guidance
Welfare to Work Programs
Career Counseling
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Career Awareness
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans.
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans. A computer laboratory and resource room are available for job searching and career planning activities. Job seekers can access or for listings of job announcements. Helps people find employment who have lost their jobs through company downsizing or plant closures.
- Training programs that include Youth, Adult, Dislocated workers
- Job Corps (GED/High School program, vocational skills training, and social skills training for ages 16 -24)
- Job Search workshops for, resume, interviewing and applications
- WorkFirst (assists parents receiving TANF to gain or improve work place skills to enhance employability and to obtain unsubsidized employment)
- Case management
- Job readiness training
- Career counseling
- Vocational assessment
- Individualized job search assistance
- Job fairs
- Employer connections
- Career development workshops
- Follow-up services
- Computer labs
- Resource library
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Work Experience
Public Access Computers/Tools
Professional Skills Development Support
Business Assistance Centers
Welfare to Work Programs
Veteran Employment Programs
Special Needs Job Development
Job Search/Placement
On the Job Training
Job Banks
Career Counseling
Prejob Guidance
Job Corps
Case/Care Management
WIOA Programs
Assists in locating local permanent or temporary employment, as well as providing nationwide employment searches. Offers city, county and state-wide job listings including Naval Base listings.
Sound Works Job Center assists clients in finding local permanent or temporary employment, as well as providing nationwide employment searches. They offer over 1,000 city, county, private businesses and Naval Base civilian job listings. They also provide one-on-one professional resume writing assistance including the navy Civil Service USAJOBS.GOV resumes. Other services include free Washington State typing speed certifications, interview training and background checks. Again, all services are one-on-one and “free” to both the employer and employee. We Specialize in assisting Veterans in their job search.
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Vocational Assessment
Career Change Counseling
Career Awareness
Prejob Guidance
Career Counseling
Career Exploration
Lists job openings within the community. Offers workshops on how to write a resume, complete a job application, improve interview skills and job search strategies.
Lists job openings within the community.
Offers workshops on how to write a resume, complete a job application, improve interview skills and job search strategies.
Provides information to job seekers about current information on the job market, Unemployment Insurance and provides career guidance.
Also offers special programs for veterans of the US armed forces, dislocated workers, and those workers the meet specific low income guidelines. These programs may include retraining opportunities.
Helps those with disabilities remove barriers to employment, and helps job seekers learn how to overcome ex-offender issues.
Displaced Homemaker Employment Programs
Job Banks
Layoff Preparation
WIOA Programs
General Youth Employment Programs
Fidelity Bonding Services
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Retraining
Ex-Offender Employment Programs
Veteran Employment Programs
Career Counseling
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Provides job hunter workshops, helps acquiring a job, and finds candidates for job openings.
Provides a wide range of services for individuals who are looking for employment.
Services include:
- Individualized job search assistance
- Workshops
- Case management
- Job readiness training
- Career counseling
- Vocational Assessment
- Job fairs
- Employer connections
- Career development workshops
- Follow-up services
- Educational scholarships
- Computer skills instruction
Prejob Guidance
Public Access Computers/Tools
Job Search/Placement
Career Counseling
Job Banks
Business Assistance Centers
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Provides employment and training support to job seekers and businesses, Economic Security for All (EcSA), and unemployment information.
Provides employment and training support to job seekers and businesses. Some eligibility requirements may apply.
- Assists with career assessments, job search, applications, resume/cover letters, job readiness, and interviewing preparation. Assists business with recruitment, hosting employee training, labor market information, and finding candidates for openings.
- Economic Security for All (EcSA) serves families by building a partnership around the four pillars of support: transportation, healthcare, childcare, and employment.
- Unemployment Information: Provide computer and telephone access to apply for Unemployment Insurance benefits. Customers may call the UI hotline at (800)318.6022 or log into eServices at (Online application, weekly filing, and submission of documents is encouraged to expedite the process.)
Career Counseling
Prejob Guidance
Indigent Transportation
Health Related Advocacy Groups
Job Search/Placement
Computer and Related Technology Classes
Employment Related Transportation
Job Banks
Personal Health Care Advocate Services
Job Retraining
On the Job Training
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Unemployment Insurance Benefits Assistance
Specialized Information and Referral
Public Access Computers/Tools
Business Assistance Centers
Special Needs Job Development
Provides a list of job openings, computerized job matching system, employer services and phone and computer access for filing employment insurance benefits. Clients are served on a walk-in and by appointment basis.
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops. A computer laboratory and resource room are available for job searching and career planning activities. Announcement of jobs within the state of Washington can be obtained at any WorkSource Center, Affiliate, or online. Job seekers can access or for listings.
Helps people find employment for those who have lost their jobs through company downsizing or plant closures.
- Case management
- Job readiness training
- Career counseling
- Vocational assessment
- Individualized job search assistance
- Job fairs
- Employer connections
- Career development workshops
- Follow-up services
- Educational scholarships
- Computer labs
- Resource library
- Digital Literacy Navigator: basic typing and keyboard, basic mouse functions, establish an email address, online job search, and intro to Microsoft word.
- Economic Alliance Services: intro to computer basics, assistance setting up business email, creating a website, and create online marketplace for your business.
Provides computer and telephone access to apply for Washington State Employment Security - Unemployment Insurance. Customers may call the TeleCenter or access to apply for unemployment insurance. Provides weekly orientation classes that provide an overview of the resources and programs available to job seekers at WorkSource. Provides access to community and technical college programs and financial resources for retraining. Matches businesses with qualified applicants to fill open positions. Employers may post job openings online. Other services for employers include help with workplace consultations, recruitment and layoffs and information on business, industry, and economic trends.
Job Banks
Job Search/Placement
Computer and Related Technology Classes
Adult Basic Education
Public Access Computers/Tools
Business Assistance Centers
Typing Classes
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Career Counseling
State Unemployment Insurance Applications
Prejob Guidance
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans.
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans. A computer laboratory and resource room are available for job searching and career planning activities. Job seekers can access or for listings of job announcements. Helps people find employment who have lost their jobs through company downsizing or plant closures.
- Training programs that include Youth, Adult, Dislocated workers
- Job Corps (GED/High School program, vocational skills training, and social skills training for ages 16 -24)
- Job Search workshops for, resume, interviewing and applications
- WorkFirst (assists parents receiving TANF to gain or improve work place skills to enhance employability and to obtain unsubsidized employment)
- Case management
- Job readiness training
- Career counseling
- Vocational assessment
- Individualized job search assistance
- Job fairs
- Employer connections
- Career development workshops
- Follow-up services
- Computer labs
- Resource library
Work Experience
Job Search/Placement
On the Job Training
Public Access Computers/Tools
Business Assistance Centers
Special Needs Job Development
Professional Skills Development Support
Job Banks
WIOA Programs
Job Corps
Career Counseling
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Case/Care Management
Veteran Employment Programs
Prejob Guidance
Welfare to Work Programs
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans.
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans. A computer laboratory and resource room are available for job searching and career planning activities. Job seekers can access or for listings of job announcements. Helps people find employment who have lost their jobs through company downsizing or plant closures.
- Training programs that include Youth, Adult, Dislocated workers
- Job Corps (GED/High School program, vocational skills training, and social skills training for ages 16 -24)
- Job Search workshops for, resume, interviewing and applications
- WorkFirst (assists parents receiving TANF to gain or improve work place skills to enhance employability and to obtain unsubsidized employment)
- Case management
- Job readiness training
- Career counseling
- Vocational assessment
- Individualized job search assistance
- Job fairs
- Employer connections
- Career development workshops
- Follow-up services
- Computer labs
- Resource library
Public Access Computers/Tools
Job Banks
State Unemployment Insurance Applications
Case/Care Management
Job Corps
Veteran Employment Programs
Prejob Guidance
Job Search/Placement
Career Counseling
Welfare to Work Programs
On the Job Training
Work Experience
Business Assistance Centers
Professional Skills Development Support
Special Needs Job Development
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
WIOA Programs