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Provides career consulting, resume building, skills assessment, coaching, placement, readiness, retention, transition and inclusion.


Career Exploration
Prejob Guidance
Special Needs Job Development
Vocational Assessment
Job Search/Placement
Career Counseling
Supported Employment
Offers support services to help participants successfully integrate into the community through employment. Includes employment assistance, behavioral health services and care coordination. Focuses on helping those with substantial barriers to employment.


Prevocational Training
Prejob Guidance
Job Search/Placement
Career Counseling
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans.


Work Experience
Job Search/Placement
Public Access Computers/Tools
On the Job Training
Professional Skills Development Support
Job Corps
Job Banks
Veteran Employment Programs
Welfare to Work Programs
Special Needs Job Development
Career Counseling
Prejob Guidance
Business Assistance Centers
WIOA Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Offers a 4-week summer program for special education students, ages 16-21, that focuses on preparing students to be employment-ready and to increase job-readiness skills.


Prejob Guidance
Summer Youth Employment Programs
Career information and job search assistance is available through individual counseling and workshops.  Career information includes self-assessment and career opportunities.


Videotape/DVD Collections
Public Internet Access Sites
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Prejob Guidance
Vocational Assessment
Public Access Computers/Tools
Online Databases
Provides a list of job openings, computerized job matching system, employer services and phone and computer access for filing employment insurance benefits. Clients are served on a walk-in and by appointment basis.


Job Search/Placement
Business Assistance Centers
Public Access Computers/Tools
Job Banks
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
State Unemployment Insurance Applications
Prejob Guidance
Career Counseling
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops. Provides a list of job openings, computerized job matching system, employer services and phone and computer access for filing employment insurance benefits.


Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Banks
Business Assistance Centers
Prejob Guidance
Job Search/Placement
Public Access Computers/Tools
Career Counseling
State Unemployment Insurance Applications
Helps veterans and their spouses find jobs and gives them priority access to WorkSource services, including assistance with job search skills, career counseling and referrals to training and other resources.


Prejob Guidance
Veteran Employment Programs
Special Needs Job Development
Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Offers an education program which teaches concepts and principles relevant to a healthy lifestyle.  Workshops and classes include employment, financial, relocation, and transition assistance.


Career Change Counseling
Home Seller Counseling
Classroom Training
Stress Management
Layoff Preparation
Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling
Vocational Assessment
Life Skills Education
Career Exploration
Family Preservation Programs
Career Counseling
Social Services for Military Personnel
Relocation Assistance
Housing Search Assistance
Parenting Skills Classes
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Relationship Workshops
Family Life Education
Career Awareness
Apprenticeship Training
Lecture Halls/Auditoriums
Anger Management
Civil Service Employment
Job Information Lines
Job Search/Placement
Military Family Service/Support Centers
Home Rental Listings
Prejob Guidance
Military Transition Assistance Programs
General Furniture Provision
Provides a wide range of employment and training services for youth, adults, and seniors; including training, education, and support they may need to pursue their career and succeed in the workforce.


Prejob Guidance
Career Counseling
Internship Programs
WIOA Programs
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Job Retraining
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Job Search/Placement
Offers ESL, Adult Basic Education (ABE), GED and the External Diploma Program (EDP). Teaches computer familiarity, office basics, work readiness skills and other workshops. Services include career and skills assessment.


Career Counseling
English as a Second Language
Job Banks
Computer and Related Technology Classes
Prejob Guidance
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Adult High School Diploma Programs
Adult Basic Education
Vocational Assessment
Job Fairs
Provides a wide range of employment and training services for youth, adults, and seniors; including training, education, and support they may need to pursue their career and succeed in the workforce.


Job Retraining
Career Exploration
Job Search/Placement
Youth Job Development
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Prejob Guidance
Workforce Development Boards
Internship Programs
WIOA Programs
Work Experience
Career Awareness
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Welfare to Work Programs
On the Job Training
Subject Tutoring
Career Counseling
Provides a self-directed resource center where students and other members of the community can come to explore career options, get support for education and career assessment, receive information on career choices and more.


Community Colleges
Specialized Information and Referral
Career Awareness
Prejob Guidance
Job Information Lines
Provides employment, self sufficiency and asset development services to people with disabilities and low income individuals/families. Services are tailored to individual needs of each client and focus on developing economic self-sufficiency.


Vocational Rehabilitation
Prevocational Training
Vocational Assessment
Career Counseling
Prejob Guidance
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops. Provides a list of job openings, computerized job matching system, employer services and phone and computer access for filing employment insurance benefits.


Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Career Counseling
State Unemployment Insurance Applications
Prejob Guidance
Public Access Computers/Tools
Job Search/Placement
Job Banks
Business Assistance Centers
Offers drop-in support and recreation for teens.


Public Access Computers/Tools
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Drop In Centers
Recreational Activities/Sports
Arts and Crafts Instruction
Prejob Guidance
Offers comprehensive support for career development and financial stability, including job placement, career counseling, workforce preparation and vocational training. Tailored to meet the needs of low-income adults facing barriers to employment.


Career Counseling
Prejob Guidance
Career Exploration
Job Search/Placement
WIOA Programs
Prevocational Training
Offers career planning, job search training and job referral services for all Seattle Public Schools high school students and parents/guardians at several alternative high schools as well as smaller schools.
Offers an education program which teaches concepts and principles relevant to a healthy lifestyle. Workshops and classes include employment, financial, relocation, and transition assistance.


Civil Service Employment
Stress Management
Career Change Counseling
Relocation Assistance
Lecture Halls/Auditoriums
Family Preservation Programs
General Furniture Provision
Apprenticeship Training
Vocational Assessment
Home Rental Listings
Military Family Service/Support Centers
Home Seller Counseling
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Job Search/Placement
Social Services for Military Personnel
Job Information Lines
Career Exploration
Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling
Career Counseling
Classroom Training
Prejob Guidance
Parenting Skills Classes
Layoff Preparation
Career Awareness
Military Transition Assistance Programs
Housing Search Assistance
Life Skills Education
Anger Management
Relationship Workshops
Family Life Education
Provides work clothing and employment support services.
Assists Medicaid recipients who are chronically homeless and unemployed or under-employed with securing employment through completion of an intake assessment to determine barriers to employment and goals for employment and life stabilization.


Prejob Guidance
Vocational Assessment
Career Counseling
Career Exploration
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Career Awareness
Job Search/Placement
Provides career assistance to Western Washington University students and alumni as well as members of the local community.
Provides peer coaching, support groups, employment support, housing support, and resource connections.


LGBTQ Support Groups
General Bereavement Support Groups
Peer Support Services
General Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups
Life Coaching
Families/Friends of Individuals With a Drug Use Disorder Support Groups
Housing Search Assistance
Prejob Guidance
Employment/Retirement Related Support Groups
Health/Disability Related Support Groups
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans.


Business Assistance Centers
Job Banks
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Career Counseling
On the Job Training
Job Corps
Special Needs Job Development
Professional Skills Development Support
Prejob Guidance
WIOA Programs
Veteran Employment Programs
Case/Care Management
Welfare to Work Programs
Job Search/Placement
Work Experience
Public Access Computers/Tools
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops. Provides a list of job openings, computerized job matching system, employer services and phone and computer access for filing employment insurance benefits.


Career Counseling
Job Banks
Public Access Computers/Tools
Job Search/Placement
State Unemployment Insurance Applications
Prejob Guidance
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Business Assistance Centers