Focus Population
Age Group
1-25 of 57
Provides a program for youth ages 15 to 24 who may need more support in their transition to independence. Focuses on young people who want support with challenges they face such as: anxiety, mood, self-harm, trauma and others.
Provides a program for youth ages 15 to 24 who may need more support in their transition to independence.
Focuses on young people who want support with challenges they face such as:
- anxiety,
- mood,
- self-harm,
- feeling suicidal,
- trauma,
- conflict in relationships,
- behaviors,
- running away, and
- substance use.
Offers therapy and peer counseling when and where a youth needs it. Therapists work with youth to create a plan that will help them to stabilize and achieve their goals. Treatment is outcome-based, individualized, and adaptable to meet their specific needs while also being informed by the research on the most effective interventions.
Offers additional support for youth that have a need for more intensive services. Wraparound with Intensive Services provides systems-based care-coordination through a team process that is driven by the youth. Wraparound is especially helpful for youth involved in multiple systems, require assistance meeting their basic needs or have multiple providers.
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Family Facilitated Wraparound Process is supported and coordinator with on-going support from multiple groups every month.
Family Facilitated Wraparound Process is supported through the FAMH Wraparound Starter Kit (downloadable from the website) with assistance from the FAMH coordinator and on-going support from multiple groups every month. The Coordinator for the Family Alliance for Mental Health also coordinates the Mason Thurston Wraparound with Intensive Services for screening by by two providers (Catholic Community Services and Community Youth Services) and relies on the wraparound principles established by the National Wraparound Initiative. The wraparound process is voluntary and develops a team, chosen by the family, that works to coordinate strength-based, individualized plans with goals that target the needs of the identified child/youth and their family. MTWI currently accepts mostly Medicaid eligible children/youth and their families and a few non-medicaid children/youth. Mason and Thurston counties also offers the Multisystemic Therapy (MST) program as part of WISe for youth who are found eligible.
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Provides intensive mental health services to support children and youth up to 21 years of age and their families.
Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe) is designed to provide comprehensive behavioral health services and support for Medicaid eligible children and youth up to 21 years of age, with complex behavioral health needs.
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Child Guidance
Pend Oreille County Counseling Services provides mental health services to individuals who are residents of Pend Oreille County and the Spokane County Regional Support catchment area. This includes residents of Spokane, Adams, Ferry, Grant, Lincoln, Okanogan, and Stevens counties. Residents in other counties or states will need to access services in the Regional Support Network they reside. Accepts all referral sources and provide services for young children to geriatric age.
Pend Oreille County Counseling Services provides mental health services to individuals who are residents of Pend Oreille County and the Spokane County Regional Support catchment area. This includes residents of Spokane, Adams, Ferry, Grant, Lincoln, Okanogan, and Stevens counties. Residents in other counties or states will need to access services in the Regional Support Network they reside. Accepts all referral sources and provide services for young children to geriatric age.
Psychiatric Case Management
Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
General Counseling Services
Equips families with skills to manage the stress and complexities of having a child with mental and behavioral health challenges and provides support to youth. Specializes in serving immigrants. Must be Medicaid eligible.
Equips families with skills to manage the stress and complexities of having a child with mental and behavioral health challenges and provides support to youth while allowing them to safely remain home and in the community. Specializes in working with youth who have multiple system involvements including Juvenile Justice, Child Protective Services, etc.
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Individualized services to ensure youth and their families live successfully in their homes and communities. Wraparound Intensive Services (WISE) provides comprehensive behavioral healthcare services and supports to Medicaid-eligible individuals ages 21 or younger, and their families.
Individualized services to ensure youth and their families live successfully in their homes and communities. Wraparound Intensive Services (WISE) provides comprehensive behavioral healthcare services and supports to Medicaid-eligible individuals age 21 or younger and their families.
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Home Based Mental Health Services
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Provides mental health and addiction assessment and treatment to King County children, adolescents and their families. Offers wraparound services to stabilize youth with complex behavioral health needs.
Provides mental health and addiction services to King County children, adolescents and their families. Services include counseling, case management, advocacy, parent support and education, as well as psychiatric evaluation and consultation. Assists with:
- Depression
- Anxiety disorders
- Trauma
- Thought disorders
- Bipolar disorder
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Autism
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
- Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
WISe (Wraparound with Intensive Services)
Works to stabilize youth up to age 21 with complex or high-risk behavioral health needs while building resiliency to help the youth and family function more effectively and safely in the home, school, and community settings. Uses a team approach that includes a combination of specially trained behavioral health clinicians, family care coordinators, and peer support staff.
Offers specialized services to youth who have a psychiatric diagnosis and experience intellectual or developmental disabilities.
Provides school and office-based services.
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Family Counseling Agencies
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Child Guidance
Psychiatric Case Management
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation
Offers both family and individual therapy for children and families. Helps children and families use their strengths to build resiliency and develop the skills needed for recovery. Also provides comprehensive behavioral health services and wraparound supports for Medicaid eligible youth with complex behavioral health needs.
Offers both family and individual therapy for children and families. Helps children and families use their strengths to build resiliency and develop the skills needed for recovery.
Wrap Around with Intensive Services (WISe): Provides comprehensive behavioral health services and supports for Medicaid eligible children, adolescents, and transition-aged youth with complex behavioral health needs, and their families. Program uses natural supports (such as family, friends, and religious leaders) and the professionals involved with the family in treatment so that youth can continue to live in their homes and communities.
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Child Guidance
Community Mental Health Agencies
Family Counseling
Case/Care Management
Provides comprehensive behavioral health services with supports to Medicaid eligible youth up to age 21 with complex behavioral needs using a team approach to care. Looks for community-based options to support multi-system-involved children and youth. Crisis services available 24 hours a day for enrolled youth.
Provides comprehensive behavioral health services with supports to Medicaid eligible youth with complex behavioral needs using a team approach to care. Team members include natural supports (such as family, friends, and religious leaders) and the professionals (such as counselors, schools, Child Protective Services, and probation officers).
Looks for community-based options to support multi-system-involved children and youth.
Crisis services available 24 hours a day for enrolled youth.
Case/Care Management
Child Guidance
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Provides a program for youth ages 15 to 24 who may need more support in their transition to independence. Focuses on young people who want support with challenges they face such as: anxiety, mood, self-harm, trauma and others.
Provides a program for youth ages 15 to 24 who may need more support in their transition to independence.
Focuses on young people who want support with challenges they face such as:
- anxiety,
- mood,
- self-harm,
- feeling suicidal,
- trauma,
- conflict in relationships,
- behaviors,
- running away, and
- substance use.
Offers therapy and peer counseling when and where a youth needs it. Therapists work with youth to create a plan that will help them to stabilize and achieve their goals. Treatment is outcome-based, individualized, and adaptable to meet their specific needs while also being informed by the research on the most effective interventions.
Offers additional support for youth that have a need for more intensive services. Wraparound with Intensive Services provides systems-based care-coordination through a team process that is driven by the youth. Wraparound is especially helpful for youth involved in multiple systems, require assistance meeting their basic needs or have multiple providers.
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Provides a variety of services to foster children and their families.
Provides a variety of services to foster children and their families.
Family Time Specialist
Provides parent-child, sibling, or transportation only services for children, youth and families (DCYF). Serve and support clients in the following manners:
- Develops transportation schedules to transport client(s) to and from family time/sibling visits.
- Ensures and maintain the safety and well-being of program participants during visits.
- Facilitates engagement between parent(s), and sibling(s) with an atmosphere that supports the parent-child, or relationship between siblings.
- Supervise/monitor the family time/sibling visit with the professional working with the family.
Family Preservation Services
Provides family-focused, behavior-oriented, in-home counseling, and support to youth who are at substantial risk of placement or for children returning to the home from out-of-home care. Services provided include:
- Crisis Stabilization –services delivered by Professional Staff that are short-term, acute, and use an active and systematic approach to stabilization.
- Engagement – activates aligned with the principles and skills associated with Motivational Interviewing.
- Parenting Strategies –helping and teaching parents and caregivers to learn and use the skills they specifically need to safely parent their children.
- Family Resources - Engaging families to strengthen parent advocacy, identify personal growth opportunities, and identify accessible and supportive natural supports and community resources that directly support child safety in the home.
The Positive Parenting Program (Triple P)
Provides professional level services to improve family functioning to promote the child’s or adolescent’s health, safety, well-being, and welfare, supporting the family to remain intact and allow children to remain or return home. The benefits of this program include:
- Increased appropriate parenting skills.
- Increased appropriate parental discipline and behavior management.
- Improved parent-child relationship.
- Decreased child behavior problems.
Promoting First Relationships
Provides early support for infants and toddlers up to the age of three years old who have been diagnosed with a physical or mental condition that has a high probability of resulting in developmental delays. Families eligible for this program will receive services to strengthen the following capabilities and skills for their children including:
- Cognitive delays.
- Physical (fine or gross motor) delays.
- Communication (receptive or expressive language) delays.
- Social or Emotional delays.
- Adaptive delays.
In-home Family Therapy and Counseling Services
Performed by licensed professionals and are delivered consistent with cognitive behavioral treatment modalities. Therapy and counseling services are focused on the needs of the family as they directly relate to child safety. Benefits of these services include:
- Support for a family managing difficult child and teenage behaviors, including monitoring and safety concerns.
- Family discipline support for caregivers in monitoring pre/teenage youth.
- Support for moderate to high family conflict, youth is displaying some high risk behaviors.
- Support with adolescent behavior problems including self-destructive behavior and provoking dangerous reactions in caregiver.
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Family Counseling
Intensive Family Reunification Services
Family Preservation Programs
Home Based Parenting Education
Provides behavioral health services for youth under the age of 21, and wraparound programs for families at risk of having a troubled child removed from home.
Provides behavioral health services for youth under the age of 21, and wraparound programs for families at risk of having a troubled child removed from home.
Programs offered:
Stabilization & Wellness in Families: Serves youth experiencing a mental health crisis who are at risk of hurting themselves or others. SWIFT offers intensive support for the family and youth to maintain safety at home, stabilizing the crisis, and reducing the need for hospitalization. SWIFT also assists in finding and referring the youth and family to longer-term programs to provide continued mental health care.
- Services include: creation of individualized crisis plans and 24/7 crisis support; access to psychiatric evaluation and medication management as needed; connection to other community resources and supportive services; supports youth and families and connects them to additional resources in the community, without disrupting the supportive environment of the youth.
3 Rivers WISe
Wraparound with Intensive Services: Serves youth with mental and behavioral health challenges in their homes and communities to decrease the reliance on out of home placements.
- Services include: facilitation of the wraparound process to identify needs behind the behavior; development of individualized plans to address those needs while allowing the youth to remain in their home; a team-based, collaborative approach with the family’s voice at the center; a therapist to help the youth process life events and find healing; a focus on strengths and providing multi-level support to the family and youth.
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Family Counseling
Provides outpatient mental health services and Wraparound Intensive services for children (WISe).
Provides outpatient mental health counseling as well as Wraparound Intensive services for children (WISe).
Wraparound with Intensive Services, or WISe, is an approach to helping children, youth, and their families with intensive mental health care. Services are available in home and community settings and offer a system of care based on the individualized need of the child or youth.
General Counseling Services
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Case/Care Management
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Child Guidance
Provides a multidisiplinary team who aim to assist providers and families with complex behavioral health issues with care coordination, case planning, management strategies, safety planning strategies, transitional/discharge planning and family engagement strategies.
Provides a community-based, family-focused multidisciplinary team of community stakeholders, providers, and advocates who aim to assist providers and families with complex behavioral health presentations, care coordination and case planning.
Assists with tasks such as:
- outpatient service recommendations,
- care coordination needs,
- behavioral management strategies,
- safety planning strategies,
- transitional planning,
- discharge planning and family engagement strategies.
The Community MDT will be held monthly on a set schedule for consultation regarding complex cases and behavioral health high utilizers.
Substance Use Disorder Referrals
Psychiatric Aftercare Services
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Therapy Referrals
Coordinates wraparound teams to provide comprehensive behavioral health services.
Supports children and their families in their community in a least restrictive environment using the Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe) model. Wraparound teams provide comprehensive behavioral health services and supports to Medicaid-eligible individuals, with complex behavioral health needs and their families. The goal of the program is for eligible youth to live and thrive in their homes and communities, as well as to avoid or reduce disruptive out-of-home placements. Assessment, treatment, and support services are provided in the youth and family’s natural setting, where needs and challenges present themselves (such as the home, school and community).
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Provides child and family counseling services. Helps clients build a stronger family through communication, stress management, parenting and problem-solving skills. Accepts Medicaid and offers sliding scale fees.
Multi-service family support program offers outpatient mental health services for children and families. Services include case management, brief intervention treatment, less restrictive alternative support and family, group and individual therapy. Agency provides DBHR-certified service(s).
Family Counseling Agencies
Parent Support Groups
Parent Counseling
Family Counseling
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Parenting Skills Classes
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Parent/Child Instruction
Parenting Materials
For Community Members: Provides a Satellite Food Bank.
For Community Members: Provides a Satellite Food Bank.
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
SUD Assessments are available on a walk-in basis. Certified SUD professional will meet with client to discuss their unique circumstances, including substance use history, mental health, and personal goals. Work together to create a tailored care plan that addresses client's individual needs, whether that’s inpatient treatment, outpatient support, counseling, or other resources. Offers peer support, a recovery cafe, and individual and group therapy. Wrap around services provide access to a wide range of resources, including transportation, peer mentoring, employment assistance, mental health support, and more.
SUD Assessments are available on a walk-in basis. Certified SUD professional will meet with client to discuss their unique circumstances, including substance use history, mental health, and personal goals. Work together to create a tailored care plan that addresses client's individual needs, whether that’s inpatient treatment, outpatient support, counseling, or other resources.
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Integrated Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment
General Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
For those with Apple Health (Medicaid) with behavioral or physical health issues. Participants receive personalized support starting with their housing and employment coordinator. Participant and care team, including doctors, counselors, caretakers, and family members, will collaborate to set goals and determine the services needed to achieve them.
For those with Apple Health (Medicaid) with behavioral or physical health issues. Participants receive personalized support starting with their housing and employment coordinator. Participant and care team, including doctors, counselors, caretakers, and family members, will collaborate to set goals and determine the services needed to achieve them.
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Supported Employment
Housing Search Assistance
Offers intensive mental health care and team-based case management for children, youth and families with complex needs, including developmental disabilities.
Offers intensive mental health care and team-based case management for youth with complex needs and their families.
Looks for community-based options to support multi-system-involved children and youth.
Staff members trained in team facilitation meet with a family, listen to their story, help the youth build a team of natural and formal supports, and guide this team through the wraparound process.
Team members include natural supports (such as family, friends, and religious leaders) and the professionals who work with the family (such as counselors, schools, Child Protective Services and probation officers).
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Case/Care Management
Child Guidance
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Wrap around intensive behavioral health services for enrolled children and youth up to 21 years of age and their families.
Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe) is designed to provide comprehensive behavioral health services and support to Medicaid eligible individuals, up to 21 years of age, with complex behavioral health needs and their families. The goal of WISe is for eligible youth to live and thrive in their homes and communities, as well as to avoid or reduce costly and disruptive out-of-home placement.
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Intensive mental health services/program for youth and families. Includes mental health therapy, care coordination and crisis response. Youth must be Medicaid-eligible and enrolled in mental health services.
Intensive mental health services/program for youth and families. Includes mental health therapy, care coordination and crisis response. Youth must be Medicaid eligible and enrolled in mental health services. Youth are typically served by multiple agencies and at risk of placement outside of the home and community.
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Offers intensive mental health care and team-based case management for children, youth and families with complex needs, including developmental disabilities.
Offers intensive mental health care and team-based case management for youth with complex needs and their families.
Looks for community-based options to support multi-system-involved children and youth.
Staff members trained in team facilitation meet with a family, listen to their story, help the youth build a team of natural and formal supports, and guide this team through the wraparound process.
Team members include natural supports (such as family, friends, and religious leaders) and the professionals who work with the family (such as counselors, schools, Child Protective Services and probation officers).
Case/Care Management
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Child Guidance
Offers intensive mental health care and team-based case management for children, youth and families with complex needs, including developmental disabilities.
Offers intensive mental health care and team-based case management for youth with complex needs and their families.
Looks for community-based options to support multi-system-involved children and youth.
Staff members trained in team facilitation meet with a family, listen to their story, help the youth build a team of natural and formal supports, and guide this team through the wraparound process.
Team members include natural supports (such as family, friends, and religious leaders) and the professionals who work with the family (such as counselors, schools, Child Protective Services and probation officers).
Case/Care Management
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Child Guidance
Provides culturally sensitive individual, family and group counseling and youth mental health treatment. Provides treatment for young people with mental health and substance use disorders as well as wraparound treatment for at-risk youth.
Provides culturally sensitive individual, family and group counseling and youth mental health treatment. Counseling happens onsite, virtually, at schools, home and/or other community settings. Also offers:
- Support Groups
- Social Skills Classes
- Case Management
Integrated Cognitive Therapies Program
Provides treatment for young people with mental health and substance use disorders. Offers a comprehensive evaluation of mental health and substance use disorders followed by individually tailored treatments.
Treats a range of substance use and psychiatric disorders, including depression, anxiety, ADHD, behavioral problems and other conditions commonly experience by those use substances. Prescribes and manages psychiatric medication and offers continuing care services for those need more support. Program includes option for family to be involved through Parent Coaching appointments and groups.
Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe)
Provides intensive mental health services in a wraparound team structure for children and youth involved in more than one system. Team is comprised of significant individuals involved in the participant’s life. Team members include natural supports (family, friends, religious leaders) and the professionals who work with the family (counselors, nurses/doctors, schools, CPS and probation officers).
Provide access to crisis services for established patients as needed.
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Integrated Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment
Family Counseling
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Adolescent/Youth Counseling