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Provides child abuse and neglect prevention services, parent education and support, supervised visitation, crisis intervention, child care, CASA, and victim support. Call for details. Space is limited.


Sexual Assault Counseling
Parenting Materials
Child Abuse Prevention
In Person Crisis Intervention
Individual Advocacy
Child Abuse Counseling
Provides child abuse prevention and treatment services, including parenting classes, support groups, educational clinics for divorcing parents, in-home parent aides, domestic violence and sexual assault prevention.


Domestic Violence Hotlines
Sexual Assault Hotlines
Child Abuse Counseling
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Child Abuse Prevention
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Parenting Skills Classes
Individual Advocacy
Child Sexual Assault Prevention
General Crime Victim Assistance
The public and designated mandated reporters use the hotline to report suspected child abuse. Offices within local communities are responsible for receiving and investigating reports of suspected child abuse and neglect. Reports are received by Child Protective Services (CPS) located in each community office and assessed to determine whether the report meets legal definition of abuse or neglect and how dangerous the situation is.


Child Abuse Hotlines
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Child Abuse Protective/Restraining Orders
Children's Protective Services
Investigates reports of child abuse and neglect. Assesses reports to determine whether the report meets the legal definition of abuse or neglect and how dangerous the situation is.


Children's Protective Services
Child Abuse Hotlines
Child Abuse Protective/Restraining Orders
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Investigates reports of child abuse and neglect. Assesses reports to determine whether the report meets the legal definition of abuse or neglect and how dangerous the situation is.


Child Abuse Protective/Restraining Orders
Children's Protective Services
Child Abuse Hotlines
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Provides a wide array of social service to promote the safety and welfare of tribal members.  Services include child/adult protection services, benefits assistance, crime victim/sexual assault services, and domestic violence services.


Caregiver Counseling
Case/Care Management
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Child Sexual Assault Prevention
Child Abuse Prevention
General Benefits Assistance
Elder Abuse Prevention
General Legal Aid
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
General Crime Victim Assistance
Children's Protective Services
Offender Registries/Community Notification
TANF Applications
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Adult Protective Services
Home Based Parenting Education
Guardians ad Litem
Investigates reports of child abuse and neglect. Assesses reports to determine whether the report meets the legal definition of abuse or neglect and how dangerous the situation is.


Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Child Abuse Protective/Restraining Orders
Child Abuse Hotlines
Children's Protective Services
Investigates reports of child abuse and neglect. Assesses reports to determine whether the report meets the legal definition of abuse or neglect and how dangerous the situation is.


Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Child Abuse Hotlines
Child Abuse Protective/Restraining Orders
Children's Protective Services
Provides access to the Indian Child Welfare (ICW) Program and caseworkers.
Investigates reports of child abuse and neglect. Assesses reports to determine whether the report meets the legal definition of abuse or neglect and how dangerous the situation is.


Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Child Abuse Protective/Restraining Orders
Children's Protective Services
Child Abuse Hotlines
Investigates reports of child abuse and neglect. Assesses reports to determine whether the report meets the legal definition of abuse or neglect and how dangerous the situation is.


Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Child Abuse Protective/Restraining Orders
Child Abuse Hotlines
Children's Protective Services
Investigates reports of child abuse and neglect. Assesses reports to determine whether the report meets the legal definition of abuse or neglect and how dangerous the situation is.


Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Child Abuse Hotlines
Children's Protective Services
Child Abuse Protective/Restraining Orders
Investigates reports of child abuse and neglect. Assesses reports to determine whether the report meets the legal definition of abuse or neglect and how dangerous the situation is.


Child Abuse Hotlines
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Children's Protective Services
Child Abuse Protective/Restraining Orders
The public and designated mandated reporters use the hotline to report suspected child abuse. Offices within local communities are responsible for receiving and investigating reports of suspected child abuse and neglect. Reports are received by Child Protective Services (CPS) located in each community office and assessed to determine whether the report meets legal definition of abuse or neglect and how dangerous the situation is.


Child Abuse Protective/Restraining Orders
Children's Protective Services
Child Abuse Hotlines
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Investigates reports of child abuse and neglect. Assesses reports to determine whether the report meets the legal definition of abuse or neglect and how dangerous the situation is.


Children's Protective Services
Child Abuse Hotlines
Child Abuse Protective/Restraining Orders
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Investigates reports of child abuse and neglect. Assesses reports to determine whether the report meets the legal definition of abuse or neglect and how dangerous the situation is.


Child Abuse Hotlines
Children's Protective Services
Child Abuse Protective/Restraining Orders
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Investigates reports of child abuse and neglect. Assesses reports to determine whether the report meets the legal definition of abuse or neglect and how dangerous the situation is.


Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Child Abuse Protective/Restraining Orders
Children's Protective Services
Child Abuse Hotlines
Investigates reports of child abuse and neglect. Assesses reports to determine whether the report meets the legal definition of abuse or neglect and how dangerous the situation is.


Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Child Abuse Hotlines
Child Abuse Protective/Restraining Orders
Children's Protective Services
Investigates reports of child abuse and neglect. Assesses reports to determine whether the report meets the legal definition of abuse or neglect and how dangerous the situation is.


Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Child Abuse Protective/Restraining Orders
Children's Protective Services
Child Abuse Hotlines
Community Education and Prevention Services.


Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention
Elder Abuse Prevention
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
Child Sexual Assault Prevention
Child Abuse Prevention
This 10-week course is a catalyst in breaking the cycles of abuse and neglect within vulnerable families. Led by trained facilitators, Circle of Security assists parents in identifying their own unhealthy patterns and triggers before they pass them on to their children.


Parenting Skills Classes
Child Abuse Prevention
Investigates reports of child abuse and neglect. Assesses reports to determine whether the report meets the legal definition of abuse or neglect and how dangerous the situation is.


Child Abuse Protective/Restraining Orders
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Children's Protective Services
Child Abuse Hotlines
Investigates reports of child abuse and neglect. Assesses reports to determine whether the report meets the legal definition of abuse or neglect and how dangerous the situation is.


Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Child Abuse Protective/Restraining Orders
Child Abuse Hotlines
Children's Protective Services
Investigates reports of child abuse and neglect. Assesses reports to determine whether the report meets the legal definition of abuse or neglect and how dangerous the situation is.


Children's Protective Services
Child Abuse Hotlines
Child Abuse Protective/Restraining Orders
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Investigates reports of child abuse and neglect. Assesses reports to determine whether the report meets the legal definition of abuse or neglect and how dangerous the situation is.


Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Children's Protective Services
Child Abuse Hotlines
Child Abuse Protective/Restraining Orders