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Provides same-day appointments for primary care ad family medicine services.
Provides same-day appointments for primary care ad family medicine services.
Provides the following services:
- Primary care
- Women's health
- Kid's care
- Same day care appointments
- Lab services
- Diabetes services
- Behavioral health: adult outpatient mental health, psychiatric diagnostic evaluation (must have a physician referral)
- Specialty care
- Annual physicals
- Immunizations
- Preventative health screenings
- Sports medicine & sports physicals
- Exercise stress tests
- DOT & employments exams
- Colonoscopy
- Upper & Lower Scopes
- Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment
- Circumcision
- No-scalpel Vasectomy
- Ultrasound Guided Joint Injections
- Home Health Referrals
- Geriatric Care / Home Visits
- Medication Assisted Substance Use treatment
- Pediatrics
- Pain Management
- Upstream Women's Contraception Services
- Dental Services for adults on Medicaid
Childhood Immunization
Adolescent Medicine
General Physical Examinations
General Surgery
Colorectal Cancer Detection
Geriatric Psychiatry
General Laboratory Tests
Flu Vaccines
Sports Medicine
Public Clinics
General Dentistry
Diabetes Management Clinics