Focus Population
Age Group
1-25 of 101
Provides temporary emergency shelter for families and individuals in Adams County.
Provides temporary emergency shelter for families and individuals struggling with homelessness in Adams County.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Community Shelters
Provides emergency shelter at two locations for those who are currently homeless. Call to speak with the shelter manager.
Housing Hope has two locations that offer emergency shelter, Crossroads Shelter in Everett and at Lervick Family Village in Stanwood. Residents at the emergency shelters receive wrap-around services that include intensive case management services and special assistance to make sure they have the basics to begin a household.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Offers an independent living program for homeless single or parenting youth and young adults. Provides an apartment for up to 18 months, help finding a job and access to health/support services. Serves youth ages 18-24 as well as ages 16-17 if youth are emancipated.
Offers an independent living program for homeless single or parenting youth and young adults. Provides an apartment for up to 18 months, help finding a job and access to health/support services
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides shelter and housing for veterans and their families.
Provides interim shelter for single male Veterans. Each Veteran has a single sleeping bay and shared living common areas. Staff provide advocacy, referrals, outreach, medical and mental health connections, and a supportive environment.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Operates Kitsap County's single entry point for individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness, or at-risk of becoming homeless. Arranges the initial intake, screening, and placement for emergency housing and shelter programs.
Operates the coordinated entry program for Kitsap County. This program is the single entry point for individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness, or at risk of becoming homeless. The Housing Solutions Center manages the intake, eligibility pre-screening, and shelter placement for community housing partners. HSC can also provide referrals to mental health providers, drug and alcohol treatment centers, and domestic violence shelter and services. Clients must visit site or make an appointment to apply in person. Housing Solutions Center coordinates the intake for: - Catholic Community Services - Benedict House - St. Vincent de Paul Women's Shelter - Coffee Oasis - , KCR Emergency Shelter and Supportive Housing - North Kitsap Fishline - Safe Park - Kitsap Rescue Mission - Georgia's House Women's Shelter- Kitsap Rescue Mission
Emergency Shelter Clearinghouses
Community Shelters
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Homeless Safe Parking Programs
Provides rental assistance and case management services for eligible homeless families for up to two years.
Provides rental assistance and case management services for eligible homeless families for up to two years.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Christ-centered, faith-based transitional home for woman and children offers up to 48 women and children affordable rent, discipleship, and a chance to heal and grow into the women and mothers God created them to be.
Provides 1-year Christ-centered, faith-based transitional home for woman and children offers up to 48 women and children affordable living, discipleship, and a safe place to heal and grow into the women and mothers God created them to be.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides help to veterans in accessing VA and community services.
Provides help to veterans in accessing VA and community services. Services may include short-term case management, onsite primary care, access to medical, mental health, and substance abuse treatment, and access to VA housing programs, including Grant and Per Diem program, HUD/VASH, Veterans Recovery House and Supportive Service for Veteran Families (SSVF) if found eligible. These grants do not provide immediate assistance, are sometimes one-time, and may include case management. Help with finding market rate or subsidized housing or linkage to community housing programs. Assistance with expediting VA Benefit claims and access to employment programs such as Supported Employment, Veterans Reintegration program, and State employment. Access to computers, clothing, and hygiene items is available onsite.
General Clothing Provision
Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Case/Care Management
Substance Use Disorder Referrals
Veteran Employment Programs
Housing Search Assistance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Veteran Outpatient Clinics
Specialized Information and Referral
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Provides transitional housing for homeless youth 18-24 yrs, looking to better their lives by receiving life skills, personal development, completing their high school diploma, or finding employment.
Provides transitional housing for homeless youth 18-24 yrs, looking to better their lives by receiving life skills, personal development, completing their high school diploma, or finding employment. Youth ages 18-24 who are in the process of completing high school are given priority on the housing and homeless services. In addition to transitional housing, ANSIL's Young Adult Program provides assistance and counseling in life skills, training classes, counseling for housing/employment/education, access to ANSIL's clothing bank, mentorship, our computer lab, and mentorship.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Offers transitional housing and supportive services for families in recovery (primarily substance use).
Offers transitional housing and supportive services for families in recovery (primarily substance use). Offers low-cost housing opportunities with rent on a sliding scale based on income. Requires one year sobriety from substance use, have children under 18, attend regular recovery meeting, and monthly community meetings.
Sober Living Homes
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides a one-stop resource of local services, employment opportunities, housing, counseling, and mentoring for veterans.
Provides a one-stop resource of local services to assist veterans with housing, counseling, job search, and mentoring, among other things. Also offers assistance with obtaining earned benefits.
Specialized Information and Referral
Housing Search Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Case/Care Management
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Veteran Employment Programs
Gas Money
Career Counseling
Provides various housing programs for families and individuals to assist with things like affordable housing, eviction prevention, emergency shelter, housing support, homelessness diversion, and more.
Provides various housing programs for families and individuals to assist with things like affordable housing, eviction prevention, emergency shelter, housing support, homelessness diversion, and more.
Rental Deposit Assistance
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Community Shelters
Rent Payment Assistance
Homeless Diversion Programs
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Housing Search Assistance
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Intensive support services and shelter for families with children. Limited availability for singles or households without children.
Provides support services and shelter primarily for families with children. Six emergency shelter sites available in Island County (short-term housing 30-60 days) and several transitional housing opportunities (6 month initial enrollment period).
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Community Shelters
Offers a transitional home with safe, stable and supportive housing for women and children who have left violent relationships. Residents pay rent/utilities based on their income level and can stay up to 1 year.
Rose House is a transitional home with safe, stable and supportive housing for women and children who have left violent relationships and are on the path of recovering their lives. Residents pay rent/utilities based on their income level and can stay for up to 12 months.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Community Reintegration Services (CRS) assist veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in developing and maintaining the skills necessary to succeed in community living.
Community Reintegration Services (CRS) assist veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in developing and maintaining the skills necessary to succeed in community living. Services include:
- Vocational Services where veterans can access job search assistance, job coaching, educational guidance, and vocational skill-building resources.
- Community Shelter and Housing works with community providers to help homeless veterans find local shelters.
- Outreach to homeless veterans.
- Case Managed Housing maintains 160+ veterans in case-managed housing.
Veteran Reintegration Counseling
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Street Outreach Programs
An emergency housing program providing safety, stability, and supportive housing for single homeless men. Residents can stay for a period up to 90 days in an emergency bed.
Benedict House is an emergency and transitional housing program providing safety, stability and supportive housing for single homeless men and homeless men with children. Resident receive the help they need to rebuild their lives and to move them towards permanent housing, Resident stay for a period of up to 90 days in an emergency bed, and up to 2 years in the family unit.
Provides drug- and alcohol-free transitional housing for those who have recently been incarcerated or in a treatment program for substance use disorder. Some locations accept families.
Provides affordable transitional housing for individuals and families. The facilities vary with some units including private bathrooms and some with shared baths. All units have private kitchens, onsite laundry and are in walking distance to shopping and bus lines.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Recovery Homes/Halfway Houses
Ex-Offender Halfway Houses
Provides transitional housing for single women and women with children who have fled domestic violence and are no longer in danger due to DV.
Community living home for women with children who have fled domestic violence and are no longer being pursued by an abuser. Offers a trauma-informed, holistic approach to healing and building a new life. Women and children participate in a safe, affirming, and accountable community and are equipped and empowered with the time, space, resources, and support necessary to heal and develop thriving lives. Clients receive daily support from their care team (mentor, program manager, life coach, and advocate), and have access to additional critical services to assist with transitioning to sustainable independent living.
Assists homeless veterans and their families with emergency, transitional, and permanent housing; as well as employment search assistance, applying for veteran benefits, and referrals to other agencies.
Assists homeless veterans and their families with emergency, transitional, and permanent housing; as well as employment search assistance, applying for veteran benefits, and referrals to other agencies.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Veteran Employment Programs
Specialized Information and Referral
Housing Search Assistance
Church offers a faith-based transition program for men who are recovering from substance use disorder, who are homeless, or for those being released from prison. Houses are located in King, Pierce, Yakima, Whatcom, and Spokane counties.
Offers a faith-based clean & sober housing program for men, providing structure and support.
Assists in developing healthy, responsible decision-making in the lives of all participants.
Operates 17 residential programs in King County, 3 in Pierce County, 6 in Spokane County, 2 in Yakima County, and 2 in Whatcom County.
Program involves character development programming, including the following:
- Pastoral counseling
- Bible studies
- House meetings
- Recovery meetings
- Personal accountability meetings
- Financial Planning meetings
Residents are encouraged to obtain employment. Employment assistance is offered through a network of supporting employers and organizations.
Also assists residents with the following:
- Fulfilling DOC requirements, if needed
- Obtaining driver's license and/or ID card
- DSHS Food stamps and public assistance
- Resume preparation and employment resources
Participants are asked to commit to three months in the program, but can stay longer if desired.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Recovery Homes/Halfway Houses
Ex-Offender Halfway Houses
Program providing housing and support services to qualified veteran families.
Comprehensive assessment and services to veterans who have been honorably discharged for assistance with housing and support services including deposit/short term rental assistance; pre-employment assistance; connection with available resources through the VA.
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides various programs to assist families and individuals struggling with housing. Programs include eviction prevention, rental deposit, transitional housing, motel vouchers, Section 8 vouchers, and Housing Related Coordinated Entry.
Provides various programs to assist families and individuals struggling with housing. Programs include eviction prevention rent assistance, rental deposit, transitional housing, motel vouchers, Section 8 vouchers, and Housing Related Coordinated Entry.
Rental Deposit Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers
Provides emergency and transitional housing to homeless families throughout Whatcom County. Families meet regularly with case managers to work on goals that will lead to self-sufficiency and permanent housing.
Provides emergency and transitional housing to homeless families throughout Whatcom County. Families meet regularly with case managers to work on goals that will lead to self-sufficiency and permanent housing. Manages four emergency housing units and seven transitional housing units.
Community Shelters
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides transitional housing and comprehensive case management and other related services to homeless families with children under 18 years of age. Limited availability. Referrals taken from local shelters when openings occur.
Provides transitional housing and comprehensive case management and other related services to homeless families with children under 18 years of age. Limited availability, limited number of apartment units. Referrals taken from local shelters when openings occur.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Offers a variety of housing options that help a family or individual become stably housed.
Offers a variety of housing options that help a family or individual become stably housed.
RRH - Rapid Re-housing: Provides a rental subsidy to help families in the McKinney Program. Program also provides case management, and may last from 3 months to 2 years depending on the needs of the family.
Homeless Set Aside Units - Works with local tax credit apartment complexes that have set aside units specifically for families experiencing homelessness. Case management is also part of this program.
Also owns single occupancy units for individuals exiting shelter. SRO units have shared community areas, kitchens and bedroom facilities.
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Transitional Housing/Shelter