Focus Population
Age Group
1-13 of 13
Provides professional mental health counseling, family therapy, case management and psychiatric support services to low-income, high-risk area children and youth and their families.
Family Counseling Agencies
Case/Care Management
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Family Counseling
Youth Violence Prevention
Facilitates a small group for domestic violence/dating violence survivors and who are interested in an opportunity to connect with other youth survivors in a safe space.
Serves youth ages 13 and older living in East or North King County.
Dating Violence Prevention
Youth Violence Prevention
Adult/Child Mentoring Programs
Offers programs to teach children that they have the right to be safe, to listen to their feelings, and to tell and keep telling adults when they need help.
Bullying Prevention
Youth Violence Prevention
Child Abuse Prevention
Offers services in Mercer Island public schools ranging from counseling to classroom presentations and skills training.
Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
Life Skills Education
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Youth Violence Prevention
Offers an after school homework help and tutoring program as well as coordinates service learning projects and leadership development activities for youth ages 10-24 who live in Seattle.
Leadership Development
Community Involvement Programs
Youth Violence Prevention
Subject Tutoring
Youth Community Service Programs
Homework Help Programs
Provides a sports-oriented, crime prevention program that relies on athletics, education, and recreation activities.
Youth Violence Prevention
Offers a youth led after school program that offers healthy youth development for at risk youth. Focuses on positive bonding to school, healthy choices, and positive role models. Meetings are held in the high schools and middle schools.
Peer Role Model Programs
Gang Programs
Offers trainings and workshops for Asian/Pacific Islander teens around issues of sexual assault, dating violence and other community-focused topics.
Youth Violence Prevention
Child Sexual Assault Prevention
Youth/Student Support Groups
Dating Violence Prevention
Promotes self-sufficiency in young adults ages 18-30 through direct access to education, employment, readiness, treatment, mental health care and housing options.
Must reside in Southeast Seattle area.
Job Search/Placement
Case/Care Management
Life Skills Education
Youth Violence Prevention
Higher Education Awareness/Support Programs
Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
Provides a youth violence prevention program aimed at middle school males of color. Teaches alternate options for reducing conflict, managing anger and avoiding violence.
Youth Violence Prevention
Works to divert low-income Latino youth ages 12-24 living in southeast, southwest and central Seattle, from dangerous lifestyle choices and to increase their connection with school and activities.
Juvenile Delinquency Prevention
Case/Care Management
Youth Violence Prevention
Helps girls determine which services they need, when, and in what order, how to access them. Also provides adult guidance and support. REFERRAL REQUIRED.
Case/Care Management
Youth Violence Prevention
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Youth Enrichment Programs
Provides one-on-one, group mentoring programs and tutoring for youth ages 12-17. Also offers mentoring opportunities by matching conscientious adults with at-risk youth in the Seattle area. Mentors provide support, friendship, encouragement and advice.
Youth Violence Prevention
Leadership Development
Adult/Child Mentoring Programs
Youth Community Service Programs