Focus Population
Age Group
1-25 of 90
Provides basic health services including treatment of simple illnesses and injuries, physical exams and health education. Must be a student at clinic school.
Offers a comprehensive scope of health services to youth and adolescents including:
- Asthma care
- Immunizations
- Treatment of simple illnesses and injuries
- Referral and follow-up for serious illness and emergencies
- Family planning
- Physical exams
- Health education
Dental screening and services provided at some sites through portable dental equipment.
In addition to addressing health care concerns, they also promote good health for a lifetime through good nutrition education, supportive relationships, and reinforcement of positive self-images. School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) are operated by a system of community health care partners and agencies to deliver health services to schools in King County.
Provides mental health services including:
- Assessments
- Counseling for mental health and substance abuse issues
- Referral to mental health, substance abuse services
In addition to addressing health care concerns, they also promote good health for a lifetime through good nutrition education, supportive relationships, and reinforcement of positive self-images.
School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) are operated by a system of community health care partners and agencies to deliver health services to schools in King County.
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Birth Control Counseling
Student Health Programs
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
General Physical Examinations
Teen Family Planning Programs
Adolescent Medicine
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to those that visit in person during service hours. Offers additional birth control methods by appointment. If pregnant, provides pregnancy options education.
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to those that visit in person during service hours. Also provides additional birth control methods by appointment.
Some birth control methods require a physical exam. Also offers fertility awareness education.
If pregnancy test is positive, provides pregnancy options education.
Emergency Contraception
Pregnancy Testing
Birth Control Counseling
Teen Family Planning Programs
Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counseling
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to those that visit in person during service hours. Offers additional birth control methods by appointment. If pregnant, provides pregnancy options education.
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to those that visit in person during service hours. Also provides additional birth control methods by appointment.
Some birth control methods require a physical exam. Also offers fertility awareness education.
If pregnancy test is positive, provides pregnancy options education.
Birth Control Counseling
Emergency Contraception
Pregnancy Testing
Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counseling
Teen Family Planning Programs
Provides basic health services including treatment of simple illnesses and injuries, family planning, physical exams and health education. Must be a student at clinic school.
Offers a comprehensive scope of health services to youth and adolescents including:
- Asthma care
- Immunizations
- Treatment of simple illnesses and injuries
- Referral and follow-up for serious illness and emergencies
- Family planning
- Physical exams
- Health education
Dental screening and services provided at some sites through portable dental equipment.
In addition to addressing health care concerns, they also promote good health for a lifetime through good nutrition education, supportive relationships, and reinforcement of positive self-images. School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) are operated by a system of community health care partners and agencies to deliver health services to schools in King County.
Provides mental health services including:
- Assessments
- Counseling for mental health and substance abuse issues
- Referral to mental health, substance abuse services
In addition to addressing health care concerns, they also promote good health for a lifetime through good nutrition education, supportive relationships, and reinforcement of positive self-images.
School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) are operated by a system of community health care partners and agencies to deliver health services to schools in King County.
Adolescent Medicine
General Physical Examinations
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Birth Control Counseling
Teen Family Planning Programs
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Student Health Programs
Provides pregnancy testing and contraception, including emergency contraception. No appointment needed for emergency contraception. If pregnant, offers pregnancy options education.
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to those that visit in person during service hours. Also provides additional birth control methods by appointment.
Some birth control methods require a physical exam. Also offers fertility awareness education.
If pregnancy test is positive, provides pregnancy options education.
Teen Family Planning Programs
Emergency Contraception
Pregnancy Testing
Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counseling
Birth Control Counseling
Provides family planning, immunizations, physical and annual exams, sports physicals, counseling and substance abuse prevention, and intervention for youth and adolescents. Must be a middle school or high school age student enrolled in Highline Public Schools.
Offers a comprehensive scope of health services to youth and adolescents including:
- Asthma care
- Immunizations
- Treatment of simple illnesses and injuries
- Referral and follow-up for serious illness and emergencies
- Family planning
- Physical exams
- Health education
Dental screening and services provided at some sites through portable dental equipment.
In addition to addressing health care concerns, they also promote good health for a lifetime through good nutrition education, supportive relationships, and reinforcement of positive self-images. School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) are operated by a system of community health care partners and agencies to deliver health services to schools in King County.
Provides mental health services including:
- Assessments
- Counseling for mental health and substance abuse issues
- Referral to mental health, substance abuse services
In addition to addressing health care concerns, they also promote good health for a lifetime through good nutrition education, supportive relationships, and reinforcement of positive self-images.
School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) are operated by a system of community health care partners and agencies to deliver health services to schools in King County.
Birth Control Counseling
Student Health Programs
Adolescent Medicine
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Teen Family Planning Programs
General Physical Examinations
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Provides basic health services including treatment of simple illnesses and injuries, family planning, physical exams and health education. Must be a student at clinic school.
Offers a comprehensive scope of health services to youth and adolescents including:
- Asthma care
- Immunizations
- Treatment of simple illnesses and injuries
- Referral and follow-up for serious illness and emergencies
- Family planning
- Physical exams
- Health education
Dental screening and services provided at some sites through portable dental equipment.
In addition to addressing health care concerns, they also promote good health for a lifetime through good nutrition education, supportive relationships, and reinforcement of positive self-images. School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) are operated by a system of community health care partners and agencies to deliver health services to schools in King County.
Provides mental health services including:
- Assessments
- Counseling for mental health and substance abuse issues
- Referral to mental health, substance abuse services
In addition to addressing health care concerns, they also promote good health for a lifetime through good nutrition education, supportive relationships, and reinforcement of positive self-images.
School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) are operated by a system of community health care partners and agencies to deliver health services to schools in King County.
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Teen Family Planning Programs
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Birth Control Counseling
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
General Physical Examinations
Student Health Programs
Adolescent Medicine
Provides basic health services including treatment of simple illnesses and injuries, family planning, physical exams and health education. Must be a student at clinic school.
Offers a comprehensive scope of health services to youth and adolescents including:
- Asthma care
- Immunizations
- Treatment of simple illnesses and injuries
- Referral and follow-up for serious illness and emergencies
- Family planning
- Physical exams
- Health education
Dental screening and services provided at some sites through portable dental equipment.
In addition to addressing health care concerns, they also promote good health for a lifetime through good nutrition education, supportive relationships, and reinforcement of positive self-images. School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) are operated by a system of community health care partners and agencies to deliver health services to schools in King County.
Provides mental health services including:
- Assessments
- Counseling for mental health and substance abuse issues
- Referral to mental health, substance abuse services
In addition to addressing health care concerns, they also promote good health for a lifetime through good nutrition education, supportive relationships, and reinforcement of positive self-images.
School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) are operated by a system of community health care partners and agencies to deliver health services to schools in King County.
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Teen Family Planning Programs
Adolescent Medicine
Student Health Programs
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
General Physical Examinations
Birth Control Counseling
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to those that visit in person during service hours. Offers additional birth control methods by appointment. If pregnant, provides pregnancy options education.
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to those that visit in person during service hours. Also provides additional birth control methods by appointment.
Some birth control methods require a physical exam. Also offers fertility awareness education.
If pregnancy test is positive, provides pregnancy options education.
Teen Family Planning Programs
Emergency Contraception
Birth Control Counseling
Pregnancy Testing
Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counseling
Provides confidential family planning and sexual health services for youth ages 20 and younger. Offers birth control information and supplies, STD and HIV tests, pregnancy testing and counseling, and emergency contraception.
Provides sexual and reproductive health services to teens, including birth control and emergency contraception.
Also offers sexually transmitted disease screening and testing and HIV/AIDS testing, including PrEP.
Offers pregnancy testing, and counseling and referrals to pregnancy care, abortion and adoption services.
Provides information about sexual health.
Services are private and confidential.
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Emergency Contraception
Adolescent Medicine
Teen Pregnancy Prevention
Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counseling
Pregnancy Testing
Teen Family Planning Programs
HIV Testing
General Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to those that visit in person during service hours. Offers additional birth control methods by appointment. If pregnant, provides pregnancy options education.
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to those that visit in person during service hours. Also provides additional birth control methods by appointment.
Some birth control methods require a physical exam. Also offers fertility awareness education.
If pregnancy test is positive, provides pregnancy options education.
Emergency Contraception
Teen Family Planning Programs
Birth Control Counseling
Pregnancy Testing
Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counseling
Homeless drop-in youth clinic offers general health care services, including exams, contraception, STI testing, psychiatric evaluations and services, and limited acupuncture.
Homeless drop-in youth clinic offers general health care services, including:
- General physical exams
- Psychiatric care, including evaluations, medication management and referrals
- Sexual transmitted infection (STI) testing.
- Birth control including oral contraceptive pills (OCPs), emergency contraception (Plan B), and condoms.
- Upper respiratory problems
- Dermatological problems, including lice and scabies
Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Adolescent Medicine
Teen Family Planning Programs
Emergency Contraception
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to those that visit in person during service hours. Offers additional birth control methods by appointment. If pregnant, provides pregnancy options education.
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to those that visit in person during service hours. Also provides additional birth control methods by appointment.
Some birth control methods require a physical exam. Also offers fertility awareness education.
If pregnancy test is positive, provides pregnancy options education.
Emergency Contraception
Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counseling
Teen Family Planning Programs
Pregnancy Testing
Birth Control Counseling
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to those that visit in person during service hours. Offers additional birth control methods by appointment. If pregnant, provides pregnancy options education.
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to those that visit in person during service hours. Also provides additional birth control methods by appointment.
Some birth control methods require a physical exam. Also offers fertility awareness education.
If pregnancy test is positive, provides pregnancy options education.
Teen Family Planning Programs
Emergency Contraception
Birth Control Counseling
Pregnancy Testing
Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counseling
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to those that visit in person during service hours. Offers additional birth control methods by appointment. If pregnant, provides pregnancy options education.
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to those that visit in person during service hours. Also provides additional birth control methods by appointment.
Some birth control methods require a physical exam. Also offers fertility awareness education.
If pregnancy test is positive, provides pregnancy options education.
Emergency Contraception
Birth Control Counseling
Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counseling
Teen Family Planning Programs
Pregnancy Testing
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to those that visit in person during service hours. Offers additional birth control methods by appointment. If pregnant, provides pregnancy options education.
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to those that visit in person during service hours. Also provides additional birth control methods by appointment.
Some birth control methods require a physical exam. Also offers fertility awareness education.
If pregnancy test is positive, provides pregnancy options education.
Emergency Contraception
Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counseling
Birth Control Counseling
Teen Family Planning Programs
Pregnancy Testing
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to those that visit in person during service hours. Offers additional birth control methods by appointment. If pregnant, provides pregnancy options education.
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to those that visit in person during service hours. Also provides additional birth control methods by appointment.
Some birth control methods require a physical exam. Also offers fertility awareness education.
If pregnancy test is positive, provides pregnancy options education.
Pregnancy Testing
Birth Control Counseling
Emergency Contraception
Teen Family Planning Programs
Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counseling
Hosts a NeighborCare clinic once a week for youth and young adults experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
Offers preventive care, treatment for ongoing conditions, family planning and STD treatment.
Partners with NeighborCare Clinic to provide a medical clinic once a week.
Youth and young adults can receive help with medical needs such as the following:
- Acute and chronic health concerns
- Injuries and wound care
- Physical exams
- STD testing and treatment
- Birth control and pregnancy testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Pregnancy Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Adolescent Medicine
General Medical Care
General Physical Examinations
Teen Family Planning Programs
Offers all methods of birth control; Pap smears; breast exams; STI screening and treatment; screenings for breast, cervical and ovarian cancer; vasectomies; and pregnancy testing. Helps low-income people apply for health insurance. Telehealth appointments available.
Offers annual wellness to help prevent disease, identify problems before they become serious and help patients learn to understand their own bodies.
Wellness Care
- Physical exam
- Pregnancy test
- Pregnancy options counseling
- Screening for breast cancer, cervical cancer, and ovarian cancer
- Screening for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
- Treatment for vaginal infections, bladder infection and sexually transmitted infections
Birth Control
- Provides birth control education.
- Offers all forms of birth control including diaphragms, IUDs, the three month shot, the patch, oral contraceptives, emergency contraception, and vasectomy.
- Helps low-income people apply for WA Apple Health (Medicaid). Most qualify for free or low-cost birth control through Title X and family planning funding.
Special Services
- Provides compassionate treatment and support during a miscarriage. Treatment options include "wait and see," taking medication and vacuum aspiration.
- Offers donor insemination, both intracervical and intrauterine, with fresh or frozen sperm. Visits are personalized to meet individual needs.
Birth Control Counseling
Women's Health Centers
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Pregnancy Testing
Teen Family Planning Programs
Breast Examinations
General Physical Examinations
Emergency Contraception
Pap Tests
Comprehensive outpatient health care includes preventative care, evaluation and treatment of acute illness, obstetrics and family planning. Caseworkers and cultural mediators coordinate care of refugee/immigrant patients.
Offers comprehensive primary health care for families including the following:
- Evaluation and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses
- Preventive health care
- Psychiatric consultations
- Hearing and vision screenings
- Well-child exams and immunizations
- Pregnancy tests, prenatal care and family planning
Also offers minor surgical procedures, public health nursing and patient education.
Special services include a teen pregnancy service.
Refers patients to mental health care.
Teen Family Planning Programs
Well Baby Care
Hospital Based Outpatient Services
Pregnancy Testing
Hearing Screening
Family and Community Medicine
Childhood Immunization
Prenatal Care
General Medical Care
Vision Screening
Provides confidential family planning and sexual health services for youth ages 20 and younger. Offers birth control information and supplies, STD and HIV tests, pregnancy testing and counseling, and emergency contraception.
Provides sexual and reproductive health services to teens, including birth control and emergency contraception.
Also offers sexually transmitted disease screening and testing and HIV/AIDS testing, including PrEP.
Offers pregnancy testing, and counseling and referrals to pregnancy care, abortion and adoption services.
Provides information about sexual health.
Services are private and confidential.
Emergency Contraception
Teen Pregnancy Prevention
General Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education
Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatment
Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counseling
Adolescent Medicine
Teen Family Planning Programs
Pregnancy Testing
HIV Testing
Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to those that visit in person during service hours. Offers additional birth control methods by appointment. If pregnant, provides pregnancy options education.
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to those that visit in person during service hours. Also provides additional birth control methods by appointment.
Some birth control methods require a physical exam. Also offers fertility awareness education.
If pregnancy test is positive, provides pregnancy options education.
Pregnancy Testing
Teen Family Planning Programs
Emergency Contraception
Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counseling
Birth Control Counseling
Provides basic health services including treatment of simple illnesses and injuries, physical exams and health education. Must be a student at clinic school.
Offers a comprehensive scope of health services to youth and adolescents including:
- Asthma care
- Immunizations
- Treatment of simple illnesses and injuries
- Referral and follow-up for serious illness and emergencies
- Family planning
- Physical exams
- Health education
Dental screening and services provided at some sites through portable dental equipment.
In addition to addressing health care concerns, they also promote good health for a lifetime through good nutrition education, supportive relationships, and reinforcement of positive self-images. School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) are operated by a system of community health care partners and agencies to deliver health services to schools in King County.
Provides mental health services including:
- Assessments
- Counseling for mental health and substance abuse issues
- Referral to mental health, substance abuse services
In addition to addressing health care concerns, they also promote good health for a lifetime through good nutrition education, supportive relationships, and reinforcement of positive self-images.
School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) are operated by a system of community health care partners and agencies to deliver health services to schools in King County.
Teen Family Planning Programs
Student Health Programs
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Birth Control Counseling
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
General Physical Examinations
Adolescent Medicine
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Provides mental services including counseling and substance abuse prevention and intervention for youth and adolescents. Must be a student at clinic school.
Offers a comprehensive scope of health services to youth and adolescents including:
- Asthma care
- Immunizations
- Treatment of simple illnesses and injuries
- Referral and follow-up for serious illness and emergencies
- Family planning
- Physical exams
- Health education
Dental screening and services provided at some sites through portable dental equipment.
In addition to addressing health care concerns, they also promote good health for a lifetime through good nutrition education, supportive relationships, and reinforcement of positive self-images. School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) are operated by a system of community health care partners and agencies to deliver health services to schools in King County.
Provides mental health services including:
- Assessments
- Counseling for mental health and substance abuse issues
- Referral to mental health, substance abuse services
In addition to addressing health care concerns, they also promote good health for a lifetime through good nutrition education, supportive relationships, and reinforcement of positive self-images.
School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) are operated by a system of community health care partners and agencies to deliver health services to schools in King County.
Adolescent Medicine
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Birth Control Counseling
General Physical Examinations
Teen Family Planning Programs
Student Health Programs
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to those that visit in person during service hours. Offers additional birth control methods by appointment. If pregnant, provides pregnancy options education.
Provides pregnancy testing and emergency contraception to those that visit in person during service hours. Also provides additional birth control methods by appointment.
Some birth control methods require a physical exam. Also offers fertility awareness education.
If pregnancy test is positive, provides pregnancy options education.
Pregnancy Testing
Emergency Contraception
Birth Control Counseling
Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counseling
Teen Family Planning Programs