Focus Population
Age Group
1-15 of 15
Provides information on what bullying is, what cyberbullying is, who is at risk, and how to respond to bullying. Offers tips on how children, teens, young adults, parents, educators, and others in the community can prevent or stop bullying.
Provides information on what bullying is, what cyberbullying is, who is at risk, and how to respond to bullying. Offers tips on how children, teens, young adults, parents, educators, and others in the community can prevent or stop bullying.
Provides telephone, online chat and email peer support, as well as factual information and local resources for the LGBT and questioning community ages 25 and younger. Staffed by volunteers who identify somewhere on the LGBTQ spectrum.
Provides a safe space that is anonymous and confidential where young callers can speak on many different issues and concerns such as
- Coming out issues
- Gender and/or sexuality identities
- Relationship concerns
- Bullying
- Isolation
- Anxiety at School
- Family Issues
- HIV/AIDS concerns
- Safer sex information
- Suicide
Staffed by highly trained volunteers who identify somewhere on the LGBTQ spectrum.
Volunteers are supplied with an LGBTQ resource database in the US (www.LGBTNEARME. ORG) for those who are seeking additional support and ways to connect with their local community.
Operates two chatrooms, one for LGBT-identifying teens and one for trans-identifying teens. Chat rooms have dedicated moderators to safe guard each room.
Youth Issues Information Services
LGBTQ Helplines
Provides telephone, online chat and email peer support, as well as factual information and local resources for the LGBT and questioning community ages 50 and above. Staffed by volunteers who identify somewhere on the LGBTQ spectrum.
Provides a safe space that is anonymous and confidential where senior callers can speak on many different issues and concerns such as
- Coming out issues
- Gender and/or sexuality identities
- Relationship concerns
- Bullying
- Workplace and living condition issues
- HIV/AIDS anxiety
- Safer sex information
- Suicide
- Isolation
Staffed by highly trained volunteers who identify somewhere on the LGBTQ spectrum.
Volunteers are supplied with an LGBTQ resource database in the US (www.LGBTNEARME. ORG) for those who are seeking additional support and ways to connect with their local community.
LGBTQ Helplines
Protects civil liberties by advocating for issues such as freedom of expression and religion, police accountability, student rights, LGBTQI issues, voting rights, and criminal barriers. Does not typically provide legal representation.
The ACLU-WA participates in "impact litigation" designed to protect civil rights and civil liberties for large numbers of Washington residents.
Does NOT typically provide legal representation to individual complainants and is not a general legal services provider.
Through the Information and Referral Program (IRP), DOES provide:
- "Know your rights" and legal self-help literature
- Referrals to appropriate agencies and organizations
In some areas of ACLU emphasis, is able to provide limited advocacy or more specialized advice.
The ACLU is particularly active in the following issue areas:
- Freedom of expression and freedom of religion
- Police practices and accountability
- Student rights, school discipline, and education issues
- LGBTQ issues
- Voting rights
- Houseless issues
Voting Rights Protection
Privacy Rights Groups
Bullying Helplines
Legal Information Services
Employment Discrimination Assistance
Offender Advocates
Health Care Discrimination Assistance
Customer Service Discrimination Assistance
Constitutional/Civil Rights Groups
Law Enforcement Complaints
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Housing Discrimination Assistance
Education Discrimination Assistance
Provides professionally facilitated, live, chat-based support groups for LGBTQ+ and questioning teens.
Provides professionally facilitated, live, chat-based support groups for LGBTQ+ and questioning teens. There is no audio or video. All chats are pre-scheduled (not 24/7) and each chat lasts 1 hour and 30 minutes. All chats are fully moderated and facilitated by chat facilitators who are trained staff and/or volunteers from LGBTQ+ centers across the USA.
Handles complaints of discrimination, and advocates for those experiencing hate speech or being harassed. Assists people in navigating bureaucratic systems that have discriminatory policies and procedures.
Handles complaints of discrimination and advocates for those experiencing hate speech or being harassed.
Assists people in navigating bureaucratic systems that have discriminatory policies and procedures. May be able to assist in mediation with these systems.
If there are no resources to confront discrimination within an agency or company that a complaint is being directed toward, this agency will refer a client to the appropriate government agency.
Education Discrimination Assistance
Bullying Prevention
Housing Discrimination Assistance
Employment Discrimination Assistance
Provides telephone, online chat and email peer support, as well as factual information and local resources. Staffed by volunteers who identify somewhere on the LGBTQ spectrum.
Provides a safe space that is anonymous and confidential where callers can speak on many different issues and concerns such as
- Coming out issues
- Gender and/or sexuality identities
- Relationship concerns
- Bullying
- Workplace issues
- HIV/AIDS anxiety
- Safer sex information
- Suicide
Staffed by highly trained volunteers who identify somewhere on the LGBTQ spectrum.
Volunteers are supplied with an LGBTQ resource database in the US (www.LGBTNEARME. ORG) for those who are seeking additional support and ways to connect with their local community.
Specialized Information and Referral
LGBTQ Helplines
Helpline offers support, resources and educational opportunities for the LGBTQI community as well as their parents, family members, straight allies and friends. Also offers support for issues related to coming out and self-acceptance.
Provides information and support for issues related to coming out and self-acceptance.
Callers can:
- Be directed to 24-hour Crisis Line if immediate help is needed.
- Receive info on monthly support meetings.
Directs callers to website for personal support and speaker requests.
LGBTQ Helplines
Specialized Information and Referral
Support Group Clearinghouses
Connects individuals to resources and local organizations that primarily serve the LGBTQ+ communities; referral opportunities include medical, mental health, chemical dependency, employment, education, recreation and legal resources.
A team of warm and responsive peer advocates operate the resource center. They will help you access LGBTQ+ affirming services such as medical, mental health, legal, and reduced-fee public transportation resources.
LGBTQ Advocacy Groups
Local Transit Passes
Specialized Information and Referral
LGBTQ Helplines
Offers programs to teach children that they have the right to be safe, to listen to their feelings, and to tell and keep telling adults when they need help.
An educational program that draws from the latest research on violence prevention. Providers go into local classrooms to teach children and youth how to get help if they are being abused or are living with violence. Offers programs to teach children that they have the right to be safe, to listen to their feelings, and to tell and keep telling safe adults when they need help. Also teaches adults (parents, caregivers, and teachers) how to listen to children, how to identify abuse indicators, and how to respond appropriately.
Bullying Prevention
Child Abuse Prevention
Youth Violence Prevention
Provides a hotline focusing on Black, Indigenous, People of Color, and LGBTQ+ individuals who have experienced harmful, physical, and inappropriate contact with police and vigilantes.
Operates a hotline focusing on Black, Black LGBTQI, Brown, Native, and Muslim community who have experienced harmful, physical, and inappropriate contact with police and vigilantes.
Provides an anonymous and confidential avenue to report interactions and referrals to resources. Volunteers are trained to listen and affirm the experiences of anyone who may have experienced a negative interaction with law enforcement, consumer service (restaurants and stores), or vigilante contact. Volunteer opportunities are available.
Customer Service Discrimination Assistance
Housing Discrimination Assistance
Education Discrimination Assistance
LGBTQ Helplines
Law Enforcement Complaints
Provides web-based resources for students, parents, educators, and others on the topic of bullying. Resources include websites designed just for students, literature for parents to help their children through bullying situations, and classroom toolkits for educators.
Provides web-based resources for students, parents, educators, and others on the topic of bullying. Resources include websites designed just for students, literature for parents to help their children through bullying situations, and classroom toolkits for educators.
Helps resolve conflict between families and schools as a neutral third party. Offers options, help identifying issues and possible solutions. Provides information and referral to education-related resources. Does not provide legal advice.
Helps resolve disputes, complaints and conflict between families and schools through facilitation.
Acts as a confidential, neutral third party not associated with the public school system.
Promotes school-family partnerships and provides information about the education system and referrals to education-related resources.
Helps parents concerned about a child being bullied at school.
Provides workshops and presentations and publishes materials designed to help families understand and navigate the K-12 education system.
Publications can be downloaded from the website or mailed.
Publications are translated into several languages.
The Education Ombudsman does not help with issues regarding:
- Elected officials (such as school board members)
- Private schools
- Private organizations or businesses
- Preschools, colleges and universities
Does not have the authority to force a school or school district to take a specific course of action and cannot discipline or terminate school or school district employees.
Does not provide legal advice or services.
School Complaints
Government Complaints/Government Ombudsman Offices
Special Education Advocacy
Parent/Family Involvement in Education
Bullying Prevention
Education Discrimination Assistance
General Education Advocacy
Operates a nationwide 24-hour, toll-free suicide prevention hotline dedicated to the needs of gay and questioning youth and young adults. Also offers the service via chat and text.
Operates the only nationwide 24-hour, toll-free suicide prevention and crisis intervention hotline dedicated to the needs of LGBTQ youth and young adults. Additionally offers a safe, nonjudgmental place to talk through chat and text. Trevor Support Center provides online information about preventing suicide as well as answers to questions unique to LGBTQ youth and young adults.
Suicide Prevention Hotlines
LGBTQ Helplines
Youth Issues Information Services
Operates a nationwide 24-hour, toll-free crisis intervention and suicide prevention hotline for people who are trans as well as their family and friends. Hotline is staffed exclusively by trans identified volunteers.
Operates a peer support phone service and suicide prevention helpline for trans people who are experiencing a crisis.
This includes those who may be struggling with or questioning their gender identity. Offers emotional support as well as information and referral.
Hotline is staffed exclusively by trans identified volunteers.
Also provides peer support for friends, partners, family members and professionals supporting trans loved ones and community members.
Youth Issues Information Services
LGBTQ Helplines
Suicide Prevention Hotlines