Focus Population
Age Group
1-25 of 103
Access to overnight services for the homeless under severe weather conditions.
Serenity House's Enhanced Congregate Shelter ensures homeless single adults have a safe place to sleep. Our services include: 3 meals daily, shower access, laundry, lockers, housing location/counseling, weekly onsite medical and behavioral health treatment, medical respite program, and limited transportation to and from downtown Port Angeles. The shelter can accommodate well behaved pets, emotional or service animals, and adult couples. Sobriety at entry is not required. Shelter in place is activated during "Blue Flag" extreme weather conditions.
Urban Campsites
Extreme Weather Shelters
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Community Shelters
Homeless Drop In Centers
Day Shelters
Coordinated Entry at the Housing Resource Center offers centralized intake, assessment, and coordination. The Housing Resource Center is the coordinated entry point for most housing services except the Night-By-Night shelter.
Coordinated Entry at the Housing Resource Center is a centralized intake, assessment and coordination point which determines appropriate level of assistance to stabilize housing and assist self-sufficiency. HRC tools include: rent assistance, security and utility deposits, background screening fees and other direct housing costs; referrals to site-based housing, housing voucher and other programs; linkages to life skills, financial literacy, and/or employability training and career-building services; plus referrals to partner entities.
Emergency Shelter Clearinghouses
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Community Shelters
Housing Search Assistance
Utility Deposit Assistance
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides a dormitory style transitional housing program for formerly incarcerated homeless women.
Provides 4 bedroom dormitory style transitional housing.
On-site case management for one-on-one transitional services.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Ex-Offender Reentry Programs
Provides a 30-day stay at a shelter for homeless women with children. Also offers two programs, which allows them to stay longer than the 30 days.
Provides shelter for up to 30 days for homeless single women and women with children. Healing Home: A life-transformation program lasting from 12-18 months, for women who desire to step out of the cycle of destructive patterns that are connected to addiction, trauma and broken relationships. Connections: An extension program lasting up to four months, for guests waiting for employment or housing.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Community Shelters
Provides transitional housing for up to eight single women recovering from homelessness; stays of 6-24 months; does NOT serve women with kids or families. Includes day center support services; Service animals allowed. NO REFERRAL NECESSARY.
Provides transitional housing for up to eight women. Residents receive light case management assistance to set and achieve goals.
Average length of stay is one year, but stays range from six months to two years.
Provides the following services to residents:
- Life skills
- Classes
- Employment Assistance
- Weekly case management meetings
- Bi-weekly house meetings
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Offers a recurring resource fair focused on housing issues for veterans. The resource group provides information about housing options for veterans from state and local housing programs focused on veterans.
Offers a recurring resource fair focused on housing issues for veterans. The resource group provides information about housing options for veterans from state and local housing programs from state and local resources. Housing Programs and Information and Assistance is provided by: - VA Puget Sound - Washington State Department of Veterans Affairs - Kitsap County Veterans Program - SSVF - Supportive Services for Veteran Families - KCR's Housing Solutions Center (HSC)
Home Rental Listings
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Housing Search Assistance
Case/Care Management
Christ-centered, faith-based transitional home for woman and children offers up to 48 women and children affordable rent, discipleship, and a chance to heal and grow into the women and mothers God created them to be.
Provides 1-year Christ-centered, faith-based transitional home for woman and children offers up to 48 women and children affordable living, discipleship, and a safe place to heal and grow into the women and mothers God created them to be.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides short-term, transitional housing and case management for households experiencing homelessness.
Provides short-term. transitional housing and case management for households experiencing homelessness.
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides confidential short-term housing to survivors of any gender, with or without children, who are fleeing domestic violence from an abusive intimate partner.
Provides confidential short-term housing to survivors of any gender, with or without children, who are fleeing an abusive intimate partner.
Clients can stay up to six months in individual apartments.
Support services include:
- DV advocacy
- Legal advocacy
- Housing search assistance
- Children's services
- Parenting support
- On-site nursing/mental health support
Provides transitional housing and deposit/first month's rent for homeless, permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless & disabled, and rent assistance for those that are 3 months behind or have an eviction notice. Helps with motel vouchers when funding permits.
Provides transitional housing (up to 2 years) for homeless individuals/families and permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless & disabled individuals. Clients receive case management services in clean and sober environment, participate in self-sufficiency skill development. Housing is available in both the Upper and Lower Yakima Valley. Provides move-in assistance and homeless prevention.
Programs include:
- Move-in Assistance & Homeless Prevention: provides rent assistance for those who are 3 months behind. Assists with move-in costs, such as deposit and first month rent.
- Coordinated Entry for homeless individuals and families seeking housing solutions.
- Homeless Resource Center: staff work closely with clients who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless to help with safe shelter, transportation, household items and hygiene items. Sometimes rental or utility assistance and many other services that are needed will be provided. Clients are screened for eligibility.
- Transitional and Permanent Supportive Housing: YNHS manages several housing units and works with many landlords in Yakima County to provide housing for individuals and families.
- Street Outreach: Outreach team (nurses, behavioral health specialists, outreach and housing specialists) use the easily identifiable YNHS Outreach van to visit local shelters and other places where homeless might be, hoping to engage individuals and offer services.
- Helps with motel vouchers when funding permits.
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Homeless Diversion Programs
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Rental Deposit Assistance
Family Permanent Supportive Housing
Offers a faith-based men's clean and sober group home where men are edified, encouraged, and discipled.
Offers a faith-based men's clean and sober group home where men are edified, encouraged, and discipled.
Recovery Homes/Halfway Houses
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Sober Living Homes
Provides shelter and housing for veterans and their families.
Provides interim shelter for single male Veterans. Each Veteran has a single sleeping bay and shared living common areas. Staff provide advocacy, referrals, outreach, medical and mental health connections, and a supportive environment.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Administers the first point of entry for families and individuals who are currently homeless or at risk of becoming homeless to help them with their housing situation.
Administers the first point of entry for families and individuals who are currently homeless or at risk of becoming homeless to help them with their housing situation.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Homeless Diversion Programs
Transitional housing center that provides a supportive environment for 60 veterans and their families for up to 9 months.
Transitional housing center that provides a supportive environment for 60 veterans and their families for up to 9 months. Provides intensive case management, skill building, job training assistance, sober living quarters, mentoring, food/meals, and benefits assistance.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides mentorship, transitional housing, and one-bedroom apartments for young adults 18-24 year of age looking to better their lives.
Provides mentorship, transitional housing, and one-bedroom apartments for young adults 18-24 year of age looking to better their lives.
Operates a 12-bed facility and one-bedroom apartment in Kennewick, WA, which is set up to meet Maslow's hierarchy of needs to enable young adults to focus on becoming the best versions of themselves.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Adult/Child Mentoring Programs
Offers one year residential Christian recovery program for homeless men; focus on ending self-destructive behaviors; includes work therapy, spiritual guidance, room, board, allowance and other assistance. NO REFERRAL REQUIRED.
Offers a one year residential Christian recovery program designed to help clients leave homelessness, end cycles of addiction and other self-destructive behaviors, and grow in their faith.
Clients engage in work therapy at Seattle's Union Gospel Mission.
Provides spiritual guidance and assistance establishing stability through development of life skills and future goals, as well as room, board, clothing and a weekly sustenance allowance.
Not a state-certified chemical dependency program.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides transitional housing for single women and women with children who have fled domestic violence and are no longer in danger due to DV.
Provides transitional housing for women with children who have fled domestic violence and are no longer being pursued by an abuser. Residents receive daily support from their care team (mentor, program manager, life coach, and advocate), and have access to additional critical services to assist with transitioning to sustainable independent living with a livable wage.
Partners with 30+ community agencies to provide a range of resources and programs for youth and young adults in the areas of career development, education, and supportive services, including housing. Intake available online.
Partners with 30+ community agencies to provide a range of resources and programs for youth and young adults in the areas of career development, college and career counseling, education, and supportive services, including housing.
- peer mentoring,
- job search support,
- professional development and life skills workshops, and
- access to other resources,
- leadership development and advocacy opportunities.
Operates a youth and young adult housing programs as part of Pierce County's Coordinated Entry System.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
General Youth Employment Programs
Youth Job Development
Provides transitional housing for homeless youth 18-24 yrs, looking to better their lives by receiving life skills, personal development, completing their high school diploma, or finding employment.
Provides transitional housing for homeless youth 18-24 yrs, looking to better their lives by receiving life skills, personal development, completing their high school diploma, or finding employment. Youth ages 18-24 who are in the process of completing high school are given priority on the housing and homeless services. In addition to transitional housing, ANSIL's Young Adult Program provides assistance and counseling in life skills, training classes, counseling for housing/employment/education, access to ANSIL's clothing bank, mentorship, our computer lab, and mentorship.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides emergency and transitional housing to homeless families throughout Whatcom County. Families meet regularly with case managers to work on goals that will lead to self-sufficiency and permanent housing.
Provides emergency and transitional housing to homeless families throughout Whatcom County. Families meet regularly with case managers to work on goals that will lead to self-sufficiency and permanent housing. Manages four emergency housing units and seven transitional housing units.
Community Shelters
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Offers aid to prevent or end homelessness as determined to fit the needs of the applicant.
A broad continuum of housing programs through the housing resource center which provide rental assistance and counseling to at-risk or homeless families seeking permanent, stable housing.
Home Rental Listings
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Gift Card Donation Programs
Rental Deposit Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Education Volunteer Opportunities
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Provides transitional housing, shelter, and job search assistance for families with children who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Also helps locate affordable housing.
Provides a wide range of services to help families with children who are homeless or at risk of being homeless find stability. Helps families work towards their goals by locating resources, providing job and educational support, assisting with financial planning, and helping to locate affordable housing. Families who participate are put on a 90-day program and if further assistance is needed, families can receive After Service Care; however, average exit time is 60 days. Assists with the following: family shelter, budget courses, case management, parenting life skills, job search, and education support.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Specialized Information and Referral
Community Shelters
Housing Search Assistance
Coordinated Entry at the Housing Resource Center offers centralized intake, assessment, and coordination. The Housing Resource Center is the coordinated entry point for most housing services except the Night-By-Night shelter.
Coordinated Entry at the Housing Resource Center is a centralized intake, assessment and coordination point which determines appropriate level of assistance to stabilize housing and assist self-sufficiency. HRC tools include: rent assistance, security and utility deposits, background screening fees and other direct housing costs; referrals to site-based housing, housing voucher and other programs; linkages to life skills, financial literacy, and/or employability training and career-building services; plus referrals to partner entities.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Utility Deposit Assistance
Housing Search Assistance
Emergency Shelter Clearinghouses
Community Shelters
Provides a safe shelter, support, and resources to empower survivors of domestic violence.
Provides emergency shelter, transitional housing, crisis 24-hour domestic hotline, legal advocacy, women's support groups, advocacy-based counseling, children's programs, and housing services for victims of domestic violence and their children.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Housing Search Assistance
Individual Advocacy
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Crime Victim/Witness Counseling
Domestic Violence Shelters
Cell Phone Donation Programs
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Operates Kitsap County's single entry point for individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness, or at-risk of becoming homeless. Arranges the initial intake, screening, and placement for emergency housing and shelter programs.
Operates the coordinated entry program for Kitsap County. This program is the single entry point for individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness, or at risk of becoming homeless. The Housing Solutions Center manages the intake, eligibility pre-screening, and shelter placement for community housing partners. HSC can also provide referrals to mental health providers, drug and alcohol treatment centers, and domestic violence shelter and services. Clients must visit site or make an appointment to apply in person. Housing Solutions Center coordinates the intake for: - Catholic Community Services - Benedict House - St. Vincent de Paul Women's Shelter - Coffee Oasis - , KCR Emergency Shelter and Supportive Housing - North Kitsap Fishline - Safe Park - Kitsap Rescue Mission - Georgia's House Women's Shelter- Kitsap Rescue Mission
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Emergency Shelter Clearinghouses
Community Shelters
Homeless Safe Parking Programs