Focus Population
Age Group
1-12 of 12
Hosts a free monthly legal clinic with a focus on LGBTQ issues; provides information in a variety of areas including family law, debt and bankruptcy, divorce/dissolution, employment discrimination, and transgender legal issues.
Hosts a legal clinic specifically designed to address the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals and couples. This clinic is run by QLaw Foundation in partnership with the King County Bar Association.
The clinic is open to everyone regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
At the clinic, an attorney will meet with clients for 30 minutes and provide individualized legal advice and information.
Clinic attorneys will answer questions and provide information in a variety of areas including family law, immigration, debt and bankruptcy, divorce/dissolution, employment discrimination, and transgender legal issues.
General Legal Aid
Education Discrimination Assistance
Housing Complaints
Patient Rights Assistance
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
Divorce Assistance
Emancipation of Minors
Adoption Legal Services
Asylum Application Filing Assistance
Special Immigrant Juvenile Petitions
General Education Advocacy
Child Advocacy Centers
Health Care Discrimination Assistance
Alimony Assistance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Foster Care Legal Services
Home Sanitation
Landlord Rights Information/Counseling
Unemployment Insurance Benefits Assistance
Bankruptcy Assistance
Housing Discrimination Assistance
Public/Subsidized Housing Appeals Assistance
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Special Education Advocacy
Immigrant Benefits Assistance
Native American/Tribal Law
Paternity Suits
Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution
Naturalization Support/Legal Services
Elder Law
Legal Counseling
Customer Service Discrimination Assistance
Debt Consolidation Services
Employment Discrimination Assistance
Adult Guardianship Assistance
Alien Travel/Reentry Document Filing Assistance
Human Trafficking Legal Assistance
Grandparent Rights
Work Permits
Deferred Action on Alien Removal
Comprehensive Family Law Services
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Durable Power of Attorney for Asset Management
Family Justice Centers
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Provides advocacy and access to community-based services for youth, ages 12 through 24.
Staff will need to speak with the youth directly.
Provides civil legal advocacy to youth primarily between 12-24 years old.
TeamChild attorneys work to secure community-based services, helping youth access appropriate education, healthcare, mental/behavioral health resources, safe and stable housing, and navigate school discipline and criminal/juvenile justice matters.
Advocacy efforts focus on education and school-related issues such as enrollment, school discipline and access to special education; securing safe and stable housing for youth; emancipation; and helping clients access public benefits, including health care, mental health services, DDA and other support.
Advocacy also includes post-conviction relief, including records sealing, restitution modifications, and assisting youth with reentry supports when returning to community from incarceration.
Does not provide criminal defense representation to youth or adults involved in either the juvenile delinquency system or the adult criminal system.
Welfare Rights Assistance
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Housing Complaints
Children's Rights Groups
Post Conviction Restoration of Civil Rights
General Education Advocacy
Individual Advocacy
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Case/Care Management
Special Education Advocacy
Emancipation of Minors
Housing Advocacy Groups
Juvenile Diversion
Medicaid Appeals/Complaints
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Youth Programs at Room One consist of both education and direct service advocacy. The education programming supports schools, service providers, and youth with comprehensive health education and teacher training, healthy relationships workshops, and leadership development.
Youth Programs at Room One consist of both education and direct service advocacy. The education programming supports schools, service providers, and youth with comprehensive health education and teacher training, healthy relationships workshops, and leadership development. The direct service work consists of direct advocacy work with youth and young adults who are experiencing homelessness, parenting, sexual violence, and other issues related to a lack of resources.
Special Education Advocacy
Case/Care Management
Safer Sex Education
Subject Tutoring
Operates a legal clinic where a free 30-minute legal consultation is available for individuals with cases in King County who are not already represented by an attorney. Focus is on serving African American clients but clinic is open to all.
Operates a legal clinic providing a free 30-minute consultation with an attorney (60 minutes if an interpreter or other accommodation is needed)
Clinic is open to all, but particular focus is on providing culturally-informed legal services in a safe and welcoming environment to individuals who identify as African American or Black. This clinic is staffed primarily by attorneys of color.
Clinic attorneys can:
- Determine whether the client has a legal problem
- Suggest possible options
- Help answer papers, summons and requests
- Provide appropriate referrals
Neighborhood Legal Clinic attorneys may not have expertise in all areas of the law, but they will make every attempt to answer questions accurately.
Attorneys CANNOT give advice on criminal legal issues or provide representation on any legal matters.
General Education Advocacy
Predatory Lending Assistance
Organizational Start Up Services
Divorce Assistance
Consumer Law
Education Discrimination Assistance
Workers Compensation Benefits Assistance
Naturalization Support/Legal Services
Collection Complaints
Housing Discrimination Assistance
Adult Guardianship Assistance
Identity Theft Reporting/Recovery Programs
Elder Law
Constitutional/Civil Rights Groups
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Traffic/Parking Ticket Information/Advice
Deferred Action on Alien Removal
Estate Entitlement Assistance
Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Orders
Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution
Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
HIPAA Complaints
Contract Law
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Impounded Vehicle Services
Asylum Application Filing Assistance
Immigrant Benefits Assistance
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Alien Travel/Reentry Document Filing Assistance
State Unemployment Insurance Appeals/Complaints
Work Permits
Patient Rights Assistance
Medicaid Appeals/Complaints
Home Sanitation
Warranty Complaints
Legal Counseling
Bankruptcy Assistance
Driver License Retention/Reinstatement Assistance
Customer Service Discrimination Assistance
Emancipation of Minors
Paternity Suits
Welfare Rights Assistance
Human Trafficking Legal Assistance
Automobile Complaints
Housing Complaints
General Legal Aid
Consumer Fraud Reporting
Public/Subsidized Housing Appeals Assistance
Durable Power of Attorney for Asset Management
Will Preparation Assistance
Special Immigrant Juvenile Petitions
Post Conviction Restoration of Civil Rights
Taxpayer Advocate Services
Comprehensive Immigration/Naturalization Services
Intellectual Property Law Training/General Information
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Voting Rights Protection
Native American/Tribal Law
Food Stamps/SNAP Appeals/Complaints
Social Security Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Employment Discrimination Assistance
Landlord Rights Information/Counseling
Corporate/Business Law
Alimony Assistance
Unemployment Insurance Benefits Assistance
Special Education Advocacy
Labor and Employment Law
Provides civil legal advice and/or representation for youth ages 12-24, who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Legal Counsel for Youth and Children (LCYC)'s Youth Homelessness Program provides free legal services for young people between ages 12-24 who are experiencing homelessness or housing instability. LCYC can help with:
- Landlord/tenant issues
- Emancipation
- Minor Guardianships
- Navigating child welfare
- Immigration
- Quashing warrants
- Legal Financial Obligations (LFOs)
- Orders of protection
- Record sealing
- Public benefits
- Debt (medical/consumer)
- Name changes
- Gender marker changes
- Obtaining identification documents
& more!
Special Education Advocacy
Customer Service Discrimination Assistance
Housing Complaints
Home Sanitation
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Patient Rights Assistance
Consumer Fraud Reporting
Identification Application Assistance
Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution
Identity Theft Reporting/Recovery Programs
Predatory Lending Assistance
Immigrant Benefits Assistance
Housing Discrimination Assistance
Constitutional/Civil Rights Groups
Welfare Rights Assistance
Education Discrimination Assistance
Emancipation of Minors
Workers Compensation Benefits Assistance
Public/Subsidized Housing Appeals Assistance
Divorce Assistance
General Education Advocacy
Adult Guardianship Assistance
Consumer Law
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Special Immigrant Juvenile Petitions
Collection Complaints
Driver License Retention/Reinstatement Assistance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Unemployment Insurance Benefits Assistance
Government Complaints/Government Ombudsman Offices
Bankruptcy Assistance
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Post Conviction Restoration of Civil Rights
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
Paternity Suits
Name Change Assistance
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Foster Care Legal Services
Labor and Employment Law
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Alimony Assistance
General Legal Aid
Stalking/Harassment Orders
Native American/Tribal Law
Landlord Rights Information/Counseling
Child Guardianship Assistance
Attorneys work with interpreters to give consultation and legal advice on family law, immigration law, landlord-tenant disputes, employment law and other areas. Call for an appointment. Focuses on serving limited English-speaking Koreans.
Operates legal clinics providing free 30 minute consultations with an attorney.
Focus is on Korean and Korean-speaking clients.
Clinic attorneys can:
- Determine whether the client has a legal problem
- Suggest possible options
- Help answer papers, summons and requests
- Provide appropriate referrals
Neighborhood legal clinic attorneys may not have expertise in all areas of the law, but they will make every attempt to answer questions accurately.
Attorneys CANNOT give advice on criminal legal issues or provide representation on any legal matters.
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Foster Care Legal Services
Unemployment Insurance Benefits Assistance
General Legal Aid
Organizational Start Up Services
Constitutional/Civil Rights Groups
Child Guardianship Assistance
Adoption Legal Services
Child Advocacy Centers
Public/Subsidized Housing Appeals Assistance
Bankruptcy Assistance
Contract Law
Immigrant Benefits Assistance
Special Education Advocacy
Repossession Agency Complaints
Consumer Fraud Reporting
Education Discrimination Assistance
Taxpayer Advocate Services
Comprehensive Family Law Services
Deferred Action on Alien Removal
Housing Complaints
Adult Guardianship Assistance
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Workers Compensation Benefits Assistance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Native American/Tribal Law
Paternity Suits
Warranty Complaints
Family Justice Centers
Post Conviction Restoration of Civil Rights
Durable Power of Attorney for Asset Management
Collection Complaints
Special Immigrant Juvenile Petitions
Alien Travel/Reentry Document Filing Assistance
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
General Education Advocacy
Government Complaints/Government Ombudsman Offices
Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Orders
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
HIPAA Complaints
Emancipation of Minors
Driver License Retention/Reinstatement Assistance
Corporate/Business Law
Immigrant Labor Certification Filing Assistance
Rights Counseling for Undocumented People
Landlord Rights Information/Counseling
Employment Discrimination Assistance
Comprehensive Immigration/Naturalization Services
Intellectual Property Law Training/General Information
Patient Rights Assistance
Will Preparation Assistance
Predatory Lending Assistance
Home Sanitation
Housing Discrimination Assistance
Customer Service Discrimination Assistance
Identity Theft Reporting/Recovery Programs
Naturalization Support/Legal Services
Voting Rights Protection
Grandparent Rights
Asylum Application Filing Assistance
Consumer Law
Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution
Work Permits
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Elder Law
Impounded Vehicle Services
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Divorce Assistance
Automobile Complaints
Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
Labor and Employment Law
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Estate Entitlement Assistance
Welfare Rights Assistance
Attorneys work with interpreters to give consultation and legal advice on family law, immigration law, landlord-tenant disputes, employment law, and other areas. Call for an appointment. Focuses on serving limited English-speaking Asians.
Chinese Information and Service Center, Asian Bar Association of Washington, and Asian Counseling and Referral Service partner with the King County Bar Association to provide a free legal clinic.
Pro bono attorneys work with staff and volunteer interpreters to give consultation and legal advice around family law, immigration law, landlord-tenant disputes, employment law, and other areas. As of 9/2024, most consults are virtual but in-person appointments may be available if needed (more information provided to clients during intake phone call). Call (206) 957-8544 for an appointment. Appointments are typically Tuesdays, 5:30-7:30 PM.
International District Legal Clinic
Chinese Information and Services Center
611 S Lane St.
Seattle, WA 98144
Comprehensive Family Law Services
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Public/Subsidized Housing Appeals Assistance
Comprehensive Immigration/Naturalization Services
Impounded Vehicle Services
Housing Discrimination Assistance
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Voting Rights Protection
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
General Legal Aid
Deferred Action on Alien Removal
Naturalization Support/Legal Services
Family Justice Centers
Constitutional/Civil Rights Groups
Veteran Benefits Assistance
General Education Advocacy
Elder Law
Customer Service Discrimination Assistance
Adoption Legal Services
Immigrant Labor Certification Filing Assistance
Rights Counseling for Undocumented People
Unemployment Insurance Benefits Assistance
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
Warranty Complaints
Human Trafficking Legal Assistance
Divorce Assistance
Patient Rights Assistance
Corporate/Business Law
Landlord Rights Information/Counseling
Native American/Tribal Law
Special Education Advocacy
Child Advocacy Centers
Consumer Fraud Reporting
Housing Complaints
Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care
Intellectual Property Law Training/General Information
Work Permits
Emancipation of Minors
Predatory Lending Assistance
Estate Entitlement Assistance
Bankruptcy Assistance
Government Complaints/Government Ombudsman Offices
Organizational Start Up Services
Foster Care Legal Services
Home Sanitation
Paternity Suits
Adult Guardianship Assistance
Employment Discrimination Assistance
Asylum Application Filing Assistance
Will Preparation Assistance
Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Orders
Grandparent Rights
Automobile Complaints
Collection Complaints
Contract Law
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Education Discrimination Assistance
Consumer Law
Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution
Special Immigrant Juvenile Petitions
Alien Travel/Reentry Document Filing Assistance
Identity Theft Reporting/Recovery Programs
Labor and Employment Law
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Provides advocacy and access to community-based services for youth, ages 12 through 24.
Staff will need to speak with the youth directly.
Provides civil legal advocacy to youth primarily between 12-24 years old.
TeamChild attorneys work to secure community-based services, helping youth access appropriate education, healthcare, mental/behavioral health resources, safe and stable housing, and navigate school discipline and criminal/juvenile justice matters.
Advocacy efforts focus on education and school-related issues such as enrollment, school discipline and access to special education; securing safe and stable housing for youth; emancipation; and helping clients access public benefits, including health care, mental health services, DDA and other support.
Advocacy also includes post-conviction relief, including records sealing, restitution modifications, and assisting youth with reentry supports when returning to community from incarceration.
Does not provide criminal defense representation to youth or adults involved in either the juvenile delinquency system or the adult criminal system.
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Special Education Advocacy
Welfare Rights Assistance
Case/Care Management
Individual Advocacy
General Education Advocacy
Medicaid Appeals/Complaints
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Housing Complaints
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Emancipation of Minors
Children's Rights Groups
Juvenile Diversion
Housing Advocacy Groups
Post Conviction Restoration of Civil Rights
Helps resolve conflict between families and schools as a neutral third party. Offers options, help identifying issues and possible solutions. Provides information and referral to education-related resources. Does not provide legal advice.
Helps resolve disputes, complaints and conflict between families and schools through facilitation.
Acts as a confidential, neutral third party not associated with the public school system.
Promotes school-family partnerships and provides information about the education system and referrals to education-related resources.
Helps parents concerned about a child being bullied at school.
Provides workshops and presentations and publishes materials designed to help families understand and navigate the K-12 education system.
Publications can be downloaded from the website or mailed.
Publications are translated into several languages.
The Education Ombudsman does not help with issues regarding:
- Elected officials (such as school board members)
- Private schools
- Private organizations or businesses
- Preschools, colleges and universities
Does not have the authority to force a school or school district to take a specific course of action and cannot discipline or terminate school or school district employees.
Does not provide legal advice or services.
General Education Advocacy
Special Education Advocacy
Parent/Family Involvement in Education
School Complaints
Bullying Prevention
Government Complaints/Government Ombudsman Offices
Education Discrimination Assistance
Provides advocacy and access to community-based services for youth, ages 12 through 24.
Staff will need to speak with the youth directly.
Provides civil legal advocacy to youth primarily between 12-24 years old.
TeamChild attorneys work to secure community-based services, helping youth access appropriate education, healthcare, mental/behavioral health resources, safe and stable housing, and navigate school discipline and criminal/juvenile justice matters.
Advocacy efforts focus on education and school-related issues such as enrollment, school discipline and access to special education; securing safe and stable housing for youth; emancipation; and helping clients access public benefits, including health care, mental health services, DDA and other support.
Advocacy also includes post-conviction relief, including records sealing, restitution modifications, and assisting youth with reentry supports when returning to community from incarceration.
Does not provide criminal defense representation to youth or adults involved in either the juvenile delinquency system or the adult criminal system.
Special Education Advocacy
Medicaid Appeals/Complaints
Children's Rights Groups
Individual Advocacy
General Education Advocacy
Welfare Rights Assistance
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Housing Complaints
Housing Advocacy Groups
Emancipation of Minors
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Juvenile Diversion
Case/Care Management
Post Conviction Restoration of Civil Rights
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Provides advocacy and access to community-based services for youth, ages 12 through 24. Staff will need to speak with the youth directly.
Provides civil legal advocacy to youth primarily between 12-24 years old.
TeamChild attorneys work to secure community-based services, helping youth access appropriate education, healthcare, mental/behavioral health resources, safe and stable housing, and navigate school discipline and criminal/juvenile justice matters.
Advocacy efforts focus on education and school-related issues such as enrollment, school discipline and access to special education; securing safe and stable housing for youth; emancipation; and helping clients access public benefits, including health care, mental health services, DDA and other support.
Advocacy also includes post-conviction relief, including records sealing, restitution modifications, and assisting youth with reentry supports when returning to community from incarceration.
Does not provide criminal defense representation to youth or adults involved in either the juvenile delinquency system or the adult criminal system.
Juvenile Diversion
Housing Advocacy Groups
Case/Care Management
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Housing Complaints
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Post Conviction Restoration of Civil Rights
Welfare Rights Assistance
Children's Rights Groups
Individual Advocacy
Medicaid Appeals/Complaints
Emancipation of Minors
General Education Advocacy
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Special Education Advocacy
Operates legal clinics across King County where free 30-minute legal consultations are available for individuals who are not already represented by an attorney.
Operates legal clinics providing free 30 minute consultations with an attorney at multiple locations across King County. As of 9/2024, most clinics are telephonic, but there may be limited in-person availability in Seattle and Kent. Details will be provided to clients during intake screening.
Clinic attorneys can:
- Determine whether the client has a legal problem
- Suggest possible options
- Help answer papers, summons and requests
- Provide appropriate referrals
Neighborhood Legal Clinic attorneys may not have expertise in all areas of the law, but they will make every attempt to answer questions accurately.
Attorneys CANNOT give advice on criminal legal issues or provide representation on any legal matters.
Predatory Lending Assistance
Taxpayer Advocate Services
Mortgage Delinquency and Default Counseling
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Estate Entitlement Assistance
Consumer Law
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Consumer Fraud Reporting
Medicaid Appeals/Complaints
Adult Guardianship Assistance
Warranty Complaints
Legal Counseling
Organizational Start Up Services
Emancipation of Minors
Workers Compensation Benefits Assistance
Patient Rights Assistance
Welfare Rights Assistance
Home Sanitation
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Employment Discrimination Assistance
Landlord Rights Information/Counseling
General Legal Aid
Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Orders
Human Trafficking Legal Assistance
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Labor and Employment Law
General Education Advocacy
State Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
Social Security Disability Insurance Appeals/Complaints
Divorce Assistance
Identity Theft Reporting/Recovery Programs
Public/Subsidized Housing Appeals Assistance
Housing Complaints
Repossession Agency Complaints
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Special Education Advocacy
Unemployment Insurance Benefits Assistance
Corporate/Business Law
Post Conviction Restoration of Civil Rights
Driver License Retention/Reinstatement Assistance
Contract Law
Impounded Vehicle Services
Intellectual Property Law Training/General Information
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Food Stamps/SNAP Appeals/Complaints
Housing Discrimination Assistance
Automobile Complaints
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Paternity Suits
Alimony Assistance
Government Complaints/Government Ombudsman Offices
HIPAA Complaints
Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution